Show You Watch Together

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Tony: Scandal
Tony would never admit it, but Olivia Pope is his queen. He loves watching her make massive issues disappear and you two are always left screaming in the last thirty seconds.

Bruce: CSI
Bruce, being Bruce, loves how much science is incorporated in the show and you both love trying to figure out who the killer is before the characters do.

Thor: Friends
What better to help an alien understand silly human humor than a classic? It's been your favorite show for as long as you can remember, and Thor enjoys it just as much.

Steve: Mad Men
Steve prefers shows that are more old fashioned that super modern, so he's loved Mad Men since the beginning. He got super into it, and was incredibly upset when he heard it was ending.

Clint: How I Met Your Mother
You and Clint are all about having fun and making good memories, as is HIMYM. While you both loved the series, you were extremely disappointed in the ending.

Pietro: The Flash
Pietro finds it hilarious that there's a TV show devoted to a character that is basically him. He likes to act like he's Barry if he needs to make you laugh, but you both really do love it.

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