Loki- Satisfied

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"Y/N, parties are stupid."

"Parties are fun."

Your younger sister Emily rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall. "There's never anyone interesting."

You smiled mischievously and put your hands on your hips. "Well let's make things interesting! I'll go first."

Moving so that you were standing next to your sister, your eyes began to flick around the room, searching for someone showing promise.

"There," you motioned towards a handsome, Dorito-shaped man. "He looks all innocent and polite right? In reality he is a drug kingpin in the Bronx with bitches dripping off his arms. And that redhead he's talking to-"

"One of the bitches?" Emily humored you.

"No," you huffed, "she works for the FBI and is completely onto him. But she's posing as one of his bitches, so you were close."

Your sister laughed loudly. "My turn! Okay, the guy with the fancy facial hair who threw this thing, Tony Stark. He is in love with blonde Dorito boy over there, but thinks that scary redhead chick and him are doing the nasty, so he covers his sadness with money and booze."

"See, this is fun!"

She smiled. "Yeah, I guess so."

You returned to looking around the room, searching for the next victim. Suddenly, your eyes met a pair of bright green ones across the party. They belonged to a tall guy with long black hair, dressed in all dark colors.

He was gorgeous.

"Woah," your sister breathed.

You swallowed slowly, hoping to make your mouth less dry, and stepped forward slightly. "I'll be right back."

"Y/N, don't," she pleaded, "don't embarrass me!"

You ignored her and kept walking. The man smirked slightly as you approached him, swirling the amber colored liquid in his glass. You stopped next to him and placed your drink down on the small table he stood at.

"Do you always stand off to the side brooding at social events?" You asked, raising your brows at him.

He put his drink down as well and squinted slightly at you. "Do you always stand off in the corner with your friend and make up stories about the other guests?"

He spoke with a cool British accent that made your knees weak almost immediately. In addition to making you feel like a high schooler who's impractical crush had just said hello to her for the first time, he'd caught you completely off guard.

"I've never seen you around here before," you said quickly, eager to change the subject.

"I'm sure you've been to many of them."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He took a sip of his drink and stared at you. "Here's my guess. Your father dearest is an investor in mister Stark's company, and is invited to all the festivities, but they're a little rowdy for his taste. So, he sends his young, beautiful daughter in his place to but a face to the family name. You come to all of them so daddy won't cut you out of his will and keep paying for all your designer possessions, but have gotten quite bored with the festivities."

You started to say something, but the man kept talking.

"Every party is the same, isn't it? Nobody cares what you have to say, nobody cares what you think, they only care about your name and your money. So you gave up on actively trying to make friends and stand in the corner with your friend mocking everyone else," he finally stopped and you glared at him. "And even if someone does express some sort of vague interest, you don't return it."

"Oh, I don't?"

"Nope," he asserted. "You strike me as a woman who will never be satisfied with what life throws at her."

You furrowed your eyebrows together. "I don't know what you mean."

"It's not a bad thing, though. You're like me. I've never been satisfied."

You hesitated, dragging your index finger around the rim of your glass. Normally, you'd roll your eyes and walk away, returning to your sister and going on a rant about the nerve of random assholes and blah blah blah. But there was something different about this man. Something captivating. Something that kept you standing at the table. After a few moments, you cleared your throat and looked back up at him.

"My name is Y/N Y/L/N."

"Loki Laufeyson."

"And where's your girlfriend, Mr. Laufeyson?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "Oh I don't have a girlfriend."

"No?! Really?!" You gasped sarcastically. "With the way you ramble about a girl's deep insecurities I was sure someone would've snatched you up."

"If I had a girlfriend I don't think we'd be having this delightful conversation, Y/N."

His lips curled into a smile, and before you could stop yourself, yours were as well. Suddenly, you were both laughing, and your hand was resting on his forearm. You'd moved from across the table to right next to him. He glanced down at your drink as the laughter died away.

"Can I get you another?"

You started to say yes, but stopped when you saw your sister across the room.

Her eyes were glued to Loki. A look of total oblivion  was painted across her face, and your heart sunk. She looked helpless. Your mouth gaped as you turned back to Loki, trying to think of something to say.

"Actually, I came over here for a different reason," you quickly reached out and grabbed his hand, dragging him towards Emily.

"Where are you taking me?"

You hesitated and forced a smile. "I'm about to change your life."

"Well in that case, lead the way."

Emily's eyes widened as you stopped in front of her, and her face glowed bright red.

"Emily, Loki. Loki, Emily."

"Emily Y/L/N," she grinned, sticking her hand out.

"Y/L/N," he repeated, smiling and shaking Emily's hand kindly.

You smiled stiffly. "My sister."

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Believe me, Emily, the pleasure is all mine."

"That's a lovely accent, where are you from?" Emily moved closer to Loki and put her hand on his wrist.

You cleared your throat and stepped aside. "I'll leave you to it!"

Before either of them could bid you goodbye, you were across the room at the bar, your heart pounding. What the FUCK have I done?!?!?! You screamed at yourself over and over as you stared down at your hands.

You knew you could go over there and pull your sister aside and tell her that you liked Loki. She would say it was no big deal, tell him thanks, but no thanks, and he'd be yours. She'd say she didn't care. She'd be lying. You couldn't do that to her. You'd made your choice in a split second, and now you have to live with it forever. That's life.

You felt a sudden pang in your heart as you realized Loki had been right. Even with someone the same as you, you will never be satisfied.

HELLO HELLO MY LOVES. it's been forever I know, and I am so genuinely sorry. My life has been apeshit crazy lately and I just haven't had any spare time. I'm working as hard as I can to get quality content up for you guys; I'm really doing my best. Just wanted to let you all know that I'm alive and still working on this lolz. As always, thank you for reading!! Don't forget to like/share/comment and let me know what you think/ want to see in the future!!!!

Alllllllllll the love :)))))) xoxo

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