Matt Murdock- Night

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You lay in bed extremely late one night, something in the back of your mind keeping you awake. You turners over and grabbed another pillow, pulling it closer to your chest. Just as you were about to fall asleep, a loud crash sounded from outside your front door. You shot up and ran out of your room, muttering to yourself. You unlocked the door quickly and your eyes widened at the sight of your boyfriend falling against the door jamb, looking closer to death than life.

"Oh my god, I knew it," you hissed, dragging him inside.

He put all of his weight on you and groaned loudly. Blood from the cuts on his face dripped through the mask over his eyes and onto the floor. You helped him over to the couch and ran to get the first aid kit from the bathroom. When you returned, you threw it onto your coffee table and knelt beside the couch, tearing it open.

"Matt," you said, lifting the mask damp with blood off of his face. "Matt, you've gotta stay awake, c'mon, talk to me."

His eyelids fluttered and he groaned again.

"Where?" You asked, pouring some rubbing alcohol onto a cloth.

He lifted his hand painstakingly and motioned to his torso. You nodded and picked up a pair of small scissors, quickly slicing through his shirt and peeling it aside. Several large cuts ran across his chest, and you grimaced at the sight of them.

" Jesus Christ, Matt," you muttered.

"Sorry," he grunted, "I didn't think it would be so- shit, shit Y/N give me a goddamn warning."

You pulled the cloth away from one of the gashes and pressed it onto another, prompting another sharp curse from Matt. You shushed him quietly and removed the cloth again.

"I knew you were gonna show up like this," you muttered, searching for gauze. "I knew it, Matt."

"I said I was sorry," he mumbled. "I know I missed dinner. I meant to call."

"But you didn't," you picked up a pair of tweezers and began stitching up his shoulder. "Oh my god, Matt, this is deep."

"You should see the other guy," he smirked painfully.

You shook your head, even though he couldn't see you. Finishing up his stitches, you taped some gauze over them and moved to his face. When your fingers touched his forehead, his face softened slightly and you smiled. Several minutes later, you were finished patching him up. You sat back on your heels and stared at your beat up boyfriend, sighing lightly and chewing on your bottom lip.

"Don't do that," he said quietly.

You rolled your eyes.

"You rolled your eyes."

"You know I don't like when you do that."

"Sorry," he apologized and held out his hand. "Thank you, Y/N."

You took it gently and rested it on your knee. "You know I don't care," you muttered. "Come on, I'll help you into bed."

"No," he said. "I made you annoyed, so I have to sleep on the couch. Like a normal boyfriend."

You laughed lightly. "Because this night has been so normal, Matt. Come on, get up."

You helped him up off the couch and into your room before climbing onto the bed with him. Matt laid back and gave out a sigh of relief. You went back to the spot you had been a while ago and closed your eyes, feeling much more at peace.

I might do a part two? I kinda have an idea but I'm still deciding.

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