He Comes Home From A Mission (Pt. 1)

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Tony had been gone on a mission with Steve and Thor for almost a week, and you were beginning to become worried. Bruce assured you that everything was fine, but that did little to calm your mind. Late one night, you wandered through the empty Stark tower, searching for something to distract yourself. You sighed lightly and walked towards the wall of windows, staring out at the skyline surrounding you.

"Looks really pretty out there tonight," a voice said from behind you.

You whipped around and your face broke into a wide smile when you saw Tony standing behind you. His eye was slightly bruised and he had a small gash on his forehead, but he still looked amazing.

"You look like shit," you smirked, walking towards him slowly.

"I know," he laughed, "Now get over here."

You rushed at him, threw your arms around his neck, and buried your face in his neck.

"I missed you so much," you muttered, squeezing him tightly.

"I missed you too, Y/N."

You sat in the lab at SHIELD HQ, tapping your foot impatiently. Your boyfriend, Steve, had been gone for weeks, and you'd only talked to him a handful of times. He was due to come home today, but you had no idea when.

"Y/N," Bruce sighed from his microscope, "He'll be back any minute, just take a deep breath."

"I can't help that I miss him, Bruce," you snapped irritably. "Sorry. That was mean."

"Leave her alone, Greenie," Tony called. "Capsicles been gone for two weeks. That means Y/N hasn't gotten laid in two weeks. Girls got the right to be frustrated."

"And that enough from you!" You rolled your eyes and glanced out the door and into the heart of HQ. "AHHH!" You shrieked and jumped off of the table you'd been sitting on. "HES BACK!"

You sprinted out of the lab and ran for the stairs down to the lobby, where you had spotted Steve.

"STEVE RODGERS!" You screamed, weaving through all the other SHIELD employees.

He turned from the people he had been talking to and broke into a grin. "Y/N!"

When your reached him, you jumped up onto him and pressed your mouth against his. You wrapped your legs around his waist and put your hands on his cheeks, taking in the feeling of having him close to you again. You pulled away to breathe and grinned before pressing your forehead against his.

"Hi," he laughed, his cheeks pink.

"Welcome back," you muttered and quickly went back to kissing.

"I mean he's okay, right? He has to be okay. He's always okay."

"I'm sure Bruce is fine, Y/N," Steve assured you. "Just because the comms system is down doesn't mean they're in trouble."

"Yeah, you're right, Steve. They're okay," you rambled, "He's with Nat and Clint. They're always okay."

Steve nodded and glanced back at his newspaper. You bounced your feet up and down and glanced around the lab. Tony sat in the back corner, typing away on his computer and paying zero attention to how how much you were panicking. You heard the lab door slide open and you turned around quickly.

"Oh thank god," you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of Bruce walking in with Clint and Natasha.

You rushed over to him and hugged him tightly, squeezing your eyes shut.

"Oh god, I thought you were in trouble," you muttered, your eyes stinging.

"Hey, Y/N, it's okay," he said softly. "I'm all good. We're all good."

"You're never leaving again."

You shot up in bed late one night after hearing a crash in your living room. Thor was on a mission and nobody else had a key, so who the hell was in your apartment. You reached over to your nightstand and grabbed the lamp from its surface before silently creeping towards the door. Heart pounding, you entered the living room, wielding the lamp like a baseball bat. When your eyes landed on the intruder, you sighed and put the lamp onto the coffee table.

Thor stood by the front door, his hammer on the floor along with the jacket hook fixture that had been torn from the wall.

"Oh no. My apologies, Lady Y/N. I woke you," he said, giving you his best puppy dog eyes.

"Thor what the hell?" You tried your hardest not to laugh.

"I thought it would hold," he glanced down at the mess below him. "Evidently not."

You didn't respond to him, just ran over and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you, completely enveloping your body.

"We'll deal with that in the morning," you said softly, taking his hand.

Thor grinned down at you, "I missed you very very much."

"I missed you too, Thor."

He pressed his lips against yours softly but passionately, and your heart swelled.

"Let's get some sleep, yeah?"

Thor nodded in agreement and the two of you made your way to the bedroom, where you quickly fell asleep in his warm embrace.

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