Bucky Barnes- Tension (Pt 2)

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You woke up to sunlight streaming in through your blinds. Sighing happily, you turned over, your face landing right next to Bucky's. You grin and move closer to him.

"Morning," he mumbles suddenly, kissing the top of your head and tossing his arm around your shoulders.

You buried you head in the crook of his neck and smiled, "I never want to leave this spot."

"Well, we don't have to."

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him, "Why not?"

"Because, Y/N, you're dreaming. This isn't happening. So really it could go on forever."

You awoke with a start, for real this time.

"You okay over there?"

You whipped your head around and saw Bucky sitting at the front of the plane you were in. You two had just wrapped up a mission, and were on autopilot back to HQ.

"Yeah," you nodded, "I'm fine."

You turned back around and sighed uneasily. It had been a few months since Bucky officially joined the team, and you had to admit it. He'd grown on you. Of course you'd never admit that to anyone. You could barely admit it to yourself. Yeah you were able to deal with him, but you still found him annoying and overconfident. But, damn, was he hot. And you kept having these dreams almost every night. Even if you were mad at Bucky when you went to sleep, he was always there when you closed your eyes. Like you said, he's annoying.

"Nice job tonight," Bucky said a few minutes later.

You spin your chair around to face him, "Thanks. You did well too."


You sat there staring at each other awkwardly as the plane began its descent.

"You're bleeding," you observed suddenly.


You stood up and walked over to Bucky, putting your hand on his chin and tilting his head towards you.

"You got cut above your eyebrow."

"Don't do that," he said, gently pushing your hand off.

You felt the plane touch down, and it's ramp lowered. "Let's go," you said. "That needs to be sewn up."

Bucky rolled his eyes, but stood and followed you. "I'll be fine."

"Yes, you will be. When you don't have an open gash on your forehead."

You two walked off the plane and through the silent halls of HQ toward the infirmary ward. When you reached it, all of the lights were off and it was completely empty.

"I don't really know what you were expecting," Bucky sighed, leaning against the door. "It's three AM. Everyone's gone home."

"Oh, silly, silly Bucky," you smirked, patting his cheek. "We don't need a doctor."

You pushed the door open, making Bucky fall inside, and you burst into laughter. He glared at you and turned on the lights before sitting on one of the examination tables. You went to the cabinets and found a first aid kit, then pulled a stool over in front of Bucky.

"Do you stitch people up often?" He asked wearily.

You rose your eyebrows as you ran a cotton ball soaked in rubbing alcohol over the gash. "Does the Winter Soldier have a fear of needles?"

"No, but he does have a fear of you doing the stitches."

"Rude," you muttered, beginning to sew the cut shut. "I've done this a million times, you're fine."

After a few quick moments, you bent down to cut the last stitch. You were putting a small bandage over the edge of Bucky's eyebrow when you locked eyes. Immediately, you dropped your gaze to the ground and began cleaning up the first aid stuff.

"Um, I've been wanting to thank you," he said as you put the things back in the cabinet.

"For what?"

"The way you treat me," he said after a moment. "You aren't afraid to give me shit. Everyone else treats me like a bomb that'll blow up the second someone touches me. You don't. It's refreshing."

"Well, I'm glad my pessimistic outlook on life is refreshing for you," you smiled slightly.

He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, his eyes still glued to you.

"It's rude to stare, Buck."

He stood and walked over to the counter where you stood. Silently, he began helping you put all of the medicines and such you had used away.

"Wait," you said after a few moments.

You retrieved a small ice pack from the little refrigerator below you and began to shake it so it would get cold. You reached up and pressed it to Bucky's forehead. He put his flesh hand on your hip to help you balance, and your breath hitched. Your hand shook slightly as you realized how close the two of you were.

"I've been waiting to do this for a long time," he whispered.

"So have I."

Bucky's lips were on yours the moment the word left your mouth, making your stomach erupt in butterflies. Your hands found themselves entangled in his hair as he lifted you up and onto the counter, knocking a few things out of the way in the process.

"Oh I so called it!"

Bucky stopped kissing you suddenly, and you both turned your heads towards the door. To your absolute horror, the entire team stood in the doorway, staring. Natasha was smiling triumphantly and you even saw a smug looking Steve accepting money from Clint and Tony. Bucky cleared his throat uncomfortably and helped you down from the counter.

"Do you want to get out of here?"

"Yeah," you nodded hastily, "Yeah, let's do that!"

He took your hand and quickly led you out of the infirmary, both of you ignoring your team's objections.

"Hey! Barnes! No glove no love!" Tony shouted.

Your cheeks burned bright pink as the two of you rounded a corner and disappeared from their sight. Bucky pressed you up against the wall immediately and kissed you again, making you grin. He pulled away after a moment and smiled slightly. He touched his forehead to yours, and you both suddenly fell into fits of inexplicable laughter.

So Natasha had called it. The tension had...progressed.

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