Bruce- Tree

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"Y/N, it's freezing."

"It's December, it should be freezing," you grinned and weaved through the maze of Christmas trees surrounding you. "But we aren't leaving until we find the perfect tree."

"What about this one?" Bruce asked, pointing at a tree next to him.

You wrinkled your nose and shook your head. "Looks too fat. Come on, the best ones are up here." You took his hand and led him deeper into the farm.

You hummed your favorite Christmas song as you scoured the stacks of trees.

"Y/N, we've been through this part three times," Bruce said kindly, slowing you down. "There aren't any new trees growing."

You frowned and glanced back at him. "But none of these are perfect. It has to be perfect."

"Okay, if it needs to be perfect, then let's get a little runt of a tree, bring it back to the lab and I'll genetically modify it to make it perfect."

"Ha ha. Funny, Bruce."

"You know if I could, I would," he said sincerely. "I know how much you like Christmas."

Your shoulders slumped dejectedly. "It's our first Christmas in our apartment. I want it to be as good as it can be."

"Christmas is going to be great, Y/N," he said, and hugged you tightly. "Even if we don't have the perfect tree."

"Wait! There, look, that's the one!" You took his arm and pulled him towards a tree behind him.

You grinned and put your hand on one of its branches, fluffing it slightly. "Bruce, we neeeed to get it!"

Bruce smiled at you and put his arm around your shoulders. "Consider it done."


"Hey, where's the star?" You called, hanging another ornament on the tree later that night.

Bruce walked up behind you and waved the star ornament at you. "I've got it."

"Would you like to do the honors?"

"I would love to," he smiled and stood on top of a chair so he could attach the star to the top of the tree.

"Ahh! It looks so good!" You clapped and jumped up and down like a child. "Wait, I've gotta plug it in."

You rushed to the back of the tree and pushed the light plug into the outlet. Immediately, the tree lit up and your jaw dropped. It was the most beautiful tree you'd ever seen. You stood and walked over to Bruce, wrapping your arms around him tightly.

"Thank you. It's perfect."

EXCITING NEWS!!!! The first chapter of Torn is up!!! I'm so excited for you guys to read it, and I really really hope you enjoy it! If you want to check it out, just head to my profile and you'll be able to find it from there (I assume you guys know the drill lol). Anyway thank you so much and I hope you love it :))))

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