Bucky- Don't Do Anything Stupid (Pt. 2)

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You walked into an eerily silent Stark Tower a few weeks later, immediately sensing that something was wrong. None of the Avengers were in the kitchen or living room talking, no music was playing, nobody was arguing about wether or not hot dogs are sandwiches, and the majority of lights were off.

"Hello?" You called, tossing your bag onto the couch, "Tony? Steve? Buck?"

You heard someone at the top of the stairs behind you, and turned around quickly. Tony stood there, glaring down at you. He had dark bags under his eyes, his face looked sunken, and he was almost unrecognizable.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He snapped, coming down the stairs.

You furrowed your brows and walked over to meet him, "What are you talking about? Tony, what's going on? Where is everyone?"

"Things have changed, Y/N," he sighed. "People have changed."

"What people? Where's Steve?" You pressed.

"I think I should be asking you! Your little friends are vigilantes now, Y/N!"

"What are you talking about?" You asked as your stomach flipped. "Dammit, Tony, what did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything!" He yelled. "That thing that Steve brought here did."

"Did you just call Bucky a thing?!" You roared.

"Sorry, didn't mean to offend your fuck buddy."

You flinched at his words and paused. "What are you talking about?"

"You know what happened a few days after you left, Y/N? I was going through some old transfer files, and I came across a certain one that caught my eye. And I read it and re-read it for hours to make sure I hadn't screwed up. So then I went to Steve and confronted him, and told him what I found. I told him that I knew who killed Mom and Dad. It was Bucky," he said, slowly getting angrier and angrier. "And I said, I need to tell Y/N, she's gonna be crushed. And he was silent. And then I figured it out, you already knew."

"Tony," you said quietly. "Please-"

"So then I'm trying to think of why you would still spend so much time with him when you know he's why you're an orphan," he cut you off loudly. "And I figured it out. You're sleeping with him."

"Tony, you need to understand it wasn't like-"

"Deny it then!"

You hesitated. "I can't completely."

"Jesus Christ, Y/N!" He yelled, his hands flying into the air. "How could you look at him, hell, have sex with him knowing he killed your parents?! He's a monster!"

"Shut up!" You screamed, and Tony fell silent. "You don't know shit! So stop acting like you do," you spat. "Yes I knew. Do you want to know why I knew, Tony?"

He didn't respond, just stared at the ground.

"Well don't you?!"

He swallowed and nodded, looking back up at you.

"One night, he woke up screaming. Nothing new," you started. "But this was different. He wouldn't let me help him, because he said I would hate him if he told me what happened. But I made him. And yes, Tony, at first I was angry. I was angrier than I've ever been in my life! But Bucky didn't do those horrible things. He wasn't in the right state of mind, HYDRA made him think Mom and Dad were terrorists. That's why he did what he did. And every day he regrets it. So yeah, Tony, I can look at him."

Tony was silent for a moment, and ran his hand through his hair. "Well you need to pick a side, Y/N," he said quietly. "Like I said. Things have changed."

Your chest suddenly felt tight, and you struggled to breath normally. "Tony, you're my brother," you shoved your hands in your pockets and stepped closer to him. "I love you and you know that."

Your brother suddenly hugged you tightly. "I love you too, Y/N. I know we don't really say that, but I do."

"That's why I'm sorry," you muttered, pressing your hand in between his shoulder blades. "Bucky needs me."

Tony pulled away, "What are talk-" Suddenly, he slumped up against you, completely unconscious.

You removed your hand from his back and threw the small tranquilizer dart you had used across the room. Dragging him over to the couches, you tossed him up against them, all the while holding back tears. You quickly ran for the elevator, not exactly sure where you were going. The doors shut behind you and you pulled out your phone, dialing the number Bucky had given you in case of emergency.

"Pick up pick up pick up pick up," you muttered squeezing your eyes shut.

The phone suddenly stopped ringing in your ear, and you could hear breathing.

"Who is this?" Bucky's voice suddenly cut through the line aggressively.

You almost began weeping at the sound of his voice, "God, Buck. I told you not to be stupid without me."

Do you guys want more of this plot line? Should I continue it? Leave it like this? Let me know!

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