Tony- Blankets

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The first thing you thought when you woke up was, goddamn its freezing in here. Your opened your eyes and squinted at the clock on your bedside table, which read half past three in the morning. The room felt like it was below freezing, and the large shirt you had on wasn't doing much to keep you warm. You reached down to pull up the blanket, but found none. Instantly, you realized that your boyfriend sleeping next to you was basically burrito of blankets.

You sighed loudly and rolled over to him, poking the blankets. You almost shook him, but stopped short. Tony just looked so darn adorable when he slept. It was the only time he shut up, and his entire face looked calm. You got as close to the mass of blankets as you could and tried to fall back asleep.

But, you could feel your teeth beginning to chatter, no matter how hard you tried to suppress it. Tony stirred next to you and you grimaced.

"Y/N?" He mumbled, still mostly asleep, "Whasthematte?"

"N-nothing," you shivered, "I-I th-think the heat m-might be b-broken."

Tony's eyes flew open, and they got even wider when he saw you.

"Jesus Christ," he cried, emerging from the burrito, "You look like you have frostbite."

You laughed bitterly, "You stole all the blankets, you bastard."

"Oh, get in here."

You eagerly entered his arms, and smiled happily as he tucked the blankets back around you. As your body began to thaw, you felt yourself
growing more drowsy as well.

"I'm sorry I stole the blankets, babe," Tony said quietly. "And I'll call someone in the morning about the heat."

"Or we can just stay like this forever," you smiled.

"Now that would be great."

"Nothing's stopping us."

"Well nothing aside from the fact that we're kind of responsible for helping save the world."

You shrugged and closed you eyes. "How about we just sleep until we're woken up?"

"That sounds like an easier plan."

"More practical."

"You're a loser."

"But you love me."

"Yeah, and you love me."

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