Chick Flick You Make Him Watch

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Steve: Dirty Dancing
Theres nothing like the classic tale of
Johnny and Baby. Steve loves the music in it, and you've always had a soft spot for young Patrick Swayze.

Clint: The Notebook
Clint hates romantic movies. But, every now and then, you're able the persuade him to sit through the duration of The Notebook. By the end you're always bawling into his shoulder as he comforts you.

Tony: Clueless
The main reason you watch this movie is to hear Tony's impersonation of Cher. He loves to cry "As if!" whenever you try to get him to do something he doesn't want to do.

Thor: Pretty in Pink
Thor doesn't exactly understand the concept of girly movies, but the old school plot of Pretty in Pink makes more sense to him. He always laughs about how 'puny' Duckie is.

Bruce: Love Actually
A romcom Christmas movie. Can it get any better? Bruce loves how hilarious it is and you always get teary eyed towards the end. He claims he only watches it because you like it, but you know he enjoys it.

Pietro: Mean Girls
Pietro loves Mean Girls. So much so that he can quote it word for word. If he's flipping though the channels on TV and finds it, he will call you and force you to come home and watch it with him.

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