Clint- Hearing Pt. 1

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"Hey, Clint! Do you want red or white wine with dinner?" You call from the kitchen.

You didn't get a response and sighed heavily, bringing two plates of pasta to the table. Your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen, and you were convinced he was ignoring you.

"Clint!" You call again. "Dinner is ready!"

Again there was no response. You stomp into your bedroom to find Clint sitting against the headboard, thumbing through a magazine. You walk over to him and take it out of his hands, making him look at you in surprise.

"I've been calling you for like three minutes."

He was silent for a second. "Sorry, I'm tired. Um, I'm not really hungry and I have some work to do, so I'm going to head back to HQ."

"Wait, what?" You ask, following as he gets up and leaves the room.

"I'll see you later," he says quickly, and walks out your front door.

You're left standing alone, eyebrows furrowed, with an extra plate of pasta.

Clint didn't come home until very late that night. You felt the mattress dip next to you and an arm wind itself around your waist at some point when you were in between sleep and being awake. When you woke the next morning, he was already gone, and a folded piece of paper sat on top of his nightstand. You sighed lightly and picked it up, unfolding it.

Y/N, had to go in early for a debriefing thing. I'll text you later.

You toss the note across the room and get out of bed to get ready for work, Clint's odd behavior sticking in the back of your mind.

After you got dressed and all that jazz, you left your apartment and headed to SHIELD HQ for your job as a scientist. When you arrived, you dove into your work, ignoring Tony's constant babbling.

"Hey, Y/N," Steve said, walking into the lab a few hours after you'd arrived. "Why'd you and Barton come in separately?"

"He came in early," you muttered, keeping your eyes glued to your microscope.

"Oh, speaking of Mr. Hunger Games, can you give him these? He told me his died," Tony said, holding up a small container with two, clear, pill shaped devices. "These ones are completely waterproof, shockproof, ecetera. So there really shouldn't be as many issues with this set as the others."

You glanced up and furrowed your eyebrows. "What are they?"

"Uh," Tony rose his eyebrows. "I assumed you knew that your boyfriend's hear-"

"I'll take those, Tony," Natasha said loudly from the doorway. "I'm on my way to see Clint now."

She quickly walked up to him and snatched the container out of his hand. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by a single glare. Natasha nodded at you and muttered something to the other guys in the room. She then exited the room, tucking the container into her pocket.

"Tony, what the hell were those?" You ask the second she's gone.

He coughed uncomfortably, "They're nothing. No big deal."

"Why can't you just-"

"I've gotta go," he said, and rushed out of the room.

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