Pietro- Dinner

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You stood outside of Pietro's apartment, glancing between the door and your watch. You two had been seeing each other, he had told you to come over at eight o'clock, and that he was going to cook you dinner. But, there you were at five past eight, and the door was still closed. Hesitantly, you reached up and knocked on the door again.

"Just a second!" Pietro's voice called from the inside.

A few moments later, the door flew open, revealing a panicked looking Pietro. His hair was messy and his clothing rumpled. He ushered you in and you entered quickly.

"Pietro, are you okay?"

"Yes, yes, wonderful," he said, kissing your lips quickly. "You look beautiful."

"You look...stressed," you said, furrowing your eyebrows, "Is everything okay?"

"It is that obvious, eh?" He smirked. "Everything is going to be fine. I am just going to go finish dinner. Um, five minutes, maximum."

He zipped away into the kitchen, leaving you standing in his living room. You sat on the couch and sighed, glancing around the room. Several minutes later, you heard Pietro curse loudly, followed by a string of what you could only guess were Russian profanities. You sprang up and rushed into the kitchen, gasping when you saw the smoking oven Pietro held open.

"Oh my god!" You cried, and grabbed a kitchen towel to try and clear the air.

Pietro lifted a small fire extinguisher and pointed it at the oven, spraying it generously. He stopped and stared for a second, then sprayed it once more before turning back to face you.

"I burnt dinner," he said sadly, his face crestfallen.

You smiled at him and kicked the oven closed so you could hug him. "Hey, you tried."

"And failed."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," you told him, leading him out of the kitchen. "Listen, I brought a bottle of wine. How about we order a pizza and pop that baby open?"

Pietro grinned at you. "That sounds much better than what I had planned."

A while later, the two of you were lounging very close together on the couch, an empty pizza box on the coffee table. You felt your eyelids grow heavy, and put your head on Pietro's chest.

"I should call a cab," you yawned, closing your eyes slightly.

"Y/N, it's almost 11," Pietro responded, "Why don't you just spend the night here?"

"Mhmkay," you mumbled, snuggling closer to him.

He chuckled and stood up slowly, picking you up as well. He carried you into his bedroom, and you quickly made yourself comfortable. As you did this, Pietro changed into a pair of sweatpants and joined you. You put your head on his chest and began falling asleep almost instantly.

"Goodnight, Pietro," you murmured.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

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