Matt Murdock- Night pt 2

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You woke up the next morning much closer to Matt than you had been when you fell asleep. His uninjured arm was wound around your shoulders and h had pulled you into the crook of his neck. You kissed his neck gently several times and slid out from under his arm slowly as a small smile formed on his face.

As you walked into the kitchen, you saw it was already past nine AM, and were thankful that you had already had this day off from work. Matt, on the other hand, would be very upset if he missed work. Nevertheless, you didn't wake him, but began to make breakfast.

Several minutes later, you heard movement from down the hall, and knew what conversation you would be having in a matter of seconds. Matt entered the kitchen wearing a pair of sweatpants and nothing else, smiling a bit.

"Morning," he mumbled, leaning against the counter and wincing slightly.

"Hey," you grinned. "Coffee?"

"Yeah, but I can't stay long. If I want to get to the firm by 8:30 I need to leave soon," he said, feeling the gash on his shoulder.

"About that," you sighed, bringing him a mug and leaning next to him. "It's already almost ten and I told Foggy you weren't coming in today."

Matt almost spit out his coffee. "Y/N!"

"You need a day off," you insisted. "There is such a thing as overworking yourself, Matt, and I'd like it if we could put that off for as long as possible."

"And what did you tell Foggy? Hey, Matt almost got himself killed again last night and can't make it in today, sorry!"

"I told him you fell on your way to meet me for dinner last night. He told me to tell you that if he sees you anywhere near the office for the next two days he'll call me and force me to take you back to your apartment," you countered.

Matt sighed angrily. "Seriously? You told him I fell?! He's not an idiot, Y/N."

"I was thinking off the top of my head, sorry I didn't have time to think of some Shakespearean excuse for you!" You snap. "You promised Foggy you'd be doing less "Man in the Mask" stuff, and you've been doing the complete opposite of that! If anything I was helping you, Matt."

"Y/N, you know how important my work is to me," he said, trying to keep calm.

"Believe me, I know," you said sharply, moving away from him. "I know how important the firm is to you, and how important the man in the mask is to you, and how everything is so important to you except for me."

You folded your arms and stared at the ground angrily. Matt stood silently for a few moments before glancing up in your direction.

"Y/N, you know you are the most important thing in my life," he said quietly.

"What I know is that you aren't the easiest person to date, Matt. And I love you so so much, but sometimes I just feel like I'm willing to put a lot of work into us and you'd much rather put work into your job or fighting a bunch of mobsters in allies at night!" You say, trying to hide how upset you were.

Matt crossed the room and put his hands on your arms. "Don't say that," he whispered. "Y/N, I love you. And I know it isn't easy for you to have to get up in the middle of the night and patch me up. But the very last thing I want you to think is that I don't want this."

You reached up and wrapped your arms around Matt's neck.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, kissing your forehead. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize," you sighed, pulling away slightly. "I should change your bandages."

Matt put and arm around your waist and kept you close to his side. "No, I'd rather stay just like this."

"Matt," you laughed. "Seriously, we need to change them."

"No, we'll change them later," he insisted. "Let's just enjoy my day off."

"Good point, they only come once in a blue moon," you laughed.

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