Someone Walks in On You (Pt 1)

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"I'm sorry," Tony whispered, kissing you passionately.

"Shut up," you muttered, and yanked his shirt off of his body.

He pushed you against the wall roughly and began unbuttoning your shirt quickly, his mouth moving from your face down your body.

"Oh, God. Christ, I'm sorry. I-I heard yelling. I wanted to make sure everything was good."

Tony used his own body to cover yours as an embarrassed looking Bruce standing in the doorway. You hid behind Tony's shoulder, attempting to keep Bruce from seeing your pink face and swollen lips.

"I'll, uh, be going, then," Bruce said, leaving quickly.

Once he was gone, Tony turned back towards you.

"Now," he murmured, smirking slightly, "Where were we?

You ran your hands up Steve's bare chest, your heart pounding. He kissed you slowly as pulled your top off over your head, and you felt your knees weaken.

"Wait," he said, stopping suddenly, "This is okay, right?"

"You know you don't always have to ask," you muttered, beginning to unbutton his pants.

"Old habits die hard, I guess," he replied, his mouth connecting with yours again.

"Oh my Stars and Stripes, Steve Rogers!"

Steve immediately ripped a blanket up from the bed and threw it on top of you as he heard Tony's voice.

"I will admit, I did not expect this from you, I mean the door was wide open," Tony smirked from the doorway. "But while I'm here, I think this a good time to talk about practicing safe-"

"Goodbye, Stark," Steve cut him off, and crossed the room to shut the door.

"Remember, always have a safe word! Be responsible," Tony cried as Steve pushed him out. "Cap! Don't be silly, wrap your willy!"

Steve slammed the door and locked it, turning back to you quickly.

He ran his hand through his hair and sighed, "I'm sorry, I thought I had closed the door, I-"

"Shut up and get over here," you cut him off, pressing your lips against his.

You and Thor were in the middle of a hard core make out session on his couch late one night after a date. The two of you had been seeing each other for quite a while now, in complete secret. But, you had been finding it harder and harder to hide. He had flipped you over so he was on top of you, and began taking off your dress when you heard the door open and someone gasp. Both your heads whipped around, and your face paled when you saw Natasha standing there.

"Wait, wait, you two.." She paused, a look of complete shock on her face. "Thor, you and Y/N, Jesus how did I not know!"

"Hey, Nat!" You called out, putting your hand on Thor's shoulder.


"Can you, um, leave, please? We were a little busy."

"Oh shit yeah," she said quickly, beginning to shut the door. She paused and stuck her head back in, grinning. "Now have fun. But not too much fun. I don't need any little Thor-Y/N hybrids running around."

The door shut and Thor looked down at you, his face confused.

"I do not understand," he said. "Why would she not want us to have fun?"

You smirked and kissed him, "Don't ask."

"Whatever you say, my love."

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