Steve- Rescue

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"This can all stop," the Hydra agent whispered and leaned down so he was at eye level with you. "You just need to tell us what Captain Rodgers and your little friends are planning next."

You struggled to breathe, and lifted your head painstakingly slow. "I've told you the same thing for days. My answer isn't going to change," you wheezed. "I'm not telling you anything."

The man stood up and pulled a pocketknife from his pocket. He hit you in the jaw with the hilt of it, and you cried out loudly. This cycle had been going on for several days now, and was only getting more vicious. You'd been captured by Hydra while on a mission and were being held at one of their secret bases. Since then, you'd been tied to the same chair in the same room. At first, you knew that the rest of the team would find you and get you the hell out of there. But now, the hope had faded. With every belittling comment and punch to the face, you could feel your faith in the Avengers dimming ever so slightly.

He slapped you across the face, and your head lolled to the side. You were reaching your physical breaking point, but you would never tell them what they wanted. The only thing keeping you going was the thought of seeing Steve again. Of being able to hug and kiss him, and take in his familiar scent.

Your thoughts were interrupted by another fist meeting your face. A metallic taste filled your mouth, and you spit a mouthful of blood onto the floor. He twirled the knife in his fingers and grinned down at you sadistically.

"Let's see if we can change that, hm?"

He took the knife and pressed it against your cheek. You screamed as the blade dug beneath your skin. Blood dripped down your face and into a small puddle on the floor. He smirked and began to speak, but was cut off by a loud boom from somewhere above the room. His face turned panicked, and he pulled the knife away. He punched you again, and headed towards the door.

"If you'll excuse me, I've got to go kill some freaks."

He left, and you were alone. You squeezed your eyes shut and dropped your head backwards over the back of the chair. Becoming unable to control your emotions any longer, tears poured down your cheeks. You sobbed loudly, your entire body shaking.


Your head shot back up. For the past couple of days, you'd be woken from you scattered sleep by calls that sounded a lot like this one. They were fake, of course, just figments of your imagination. But this sounded real, and close.

"Steve!" You screamed, pulling at your restraints.

"Y/N! Y/N!" His voice sounded like it was growing louder and louder.

Tears blurred your vision and your breathing was ragged. "Steve!"

"Y/N, I need you to keep talking," Steve called. "It's all going to be okay, but you need to keep talking!"

You nodded to yourself and took a deep breath. "Steve, I'm here!"

There was another boom, and the entire room shook. Suddenly, the lights went out. You cried out loudly, and tried pulling at your restraints again. There was another boom, and one of the walls crumbled. Light from the outside hall filled the room, and Steve rushed in. He was covered in dust, and his eyes widened when they landed on you.

"Y/N." His face paled and he ran over to you.

He quickly untied the ropes holding you to the chair, and you slumped forward off of it. He caught you, and you immediately buried your head in his chest.

"Hey, it's okay now," Steve whispered. "We're going to get you out of here, it's over."

Your entire body hurt as you tried to stand up, but he stopped you.

"No, come on, I've got you." He picked you up and carried out of the room.

Your eyes suddenly felt heavy, and you tried to tell him something.

"I-I got blood on your uniform," you managed, your fingertips grazing the now red-stained blue fabric.

He tightened his grip and kissed your forehead quickly. "Blood washes out, Y/N."

Sleep began to take over, and you reached up and touched his jaw lightly. "I love you, Steve," you breathed.

"Believe me, Y/N. I love you more."

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