Bucky- Haircut

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"Nat! Wanda! Where is everyone?" You called, wandering through empty Avengers HQ.

"We're in here!" Natasha's voice echoed from the common room.

You walked in and, seeing the two of them on the couch, plopped down next to them.

"Where are all the guys?" You asked. "I've been looking for Buck for like two hours."

Wanda looked up from her phone and shrugged. "They all left a while ago. Stark said something about a late breakfast."

"Nobody asked me if I wanted breakfast," you mumbled and they laughed.

The door suddenly swung open, and the voices of the male members of the team filled the room. As you turned to say hello, your eyes landed on your boyfriend, and you screamed. Literally screamed.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked quickly, coming closer.

Your mouth gaped as Tony and Clint laughed their asses off in the corner.

"Your hair is gone!" You cried, still completely dumbfounded.

He grinned sheepishly and ran his hand through his newly chopped hair. "Well it's not all gone. Just a lot of it."

"Tony! Clint! What did you do to his beautiful hair?!"

Bucky's face fell and he swiveled to look at Clint and Tony.

"I told you she wouldn't like it!" He sighed. "I told both of you that she'd be upset!"

"Hey, Y/N, if it means anything, I told him to consult with you first," Steve offered.

Tony and Clint both opened their mouths to say something, but you cut them off with a hard stare. They fell silent, and you jumped off the couch and went towards Bucky.

"It's not that I don't like it, Buck," you insisted. "I'm just surprised!"

He looked down as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his face looking like a puppy that had just been yelled at.

"So you do like it?"

"I like you, Barnes," you whispered. "That's all that matters."

"It would be nice if you found me attractive, though," he pouted.

You leaned forward and pressed your forehead against his. "Believe me, I'll always find you attractive."

Bucky grinned and kissed you suddenly, earning jeers of disgust from everyone else in the room.

"Oh god, really?" Tony groaned. "I got him to cut his hair thinking we would get a little battle between him and Y/N over not being able to have hair braiding date nights, and instead, they just suck each other's faces off. Now is that fair to anyone?! NO!"

Bucky lifted his hand and flicked Tony off, but didn't stop kissing you.

"Quit spawning in front of the beer fridge, you're blocking my way," Natasha wrinkled her nose and pushed past you two. "And get a room while you're at it."

Bucky stopped and smirked down at you. You grinned back at him as you took his hand, laughing loudly as you dragged him out of the room.

"And he gets laid?!" You heard Tony cry. "THIS ISN'T FAIR!"

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