Bucky- Christmas Eve

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"Y/N! It's six thirty on Christmas Eve, where the hell are you?!"

You groaned into your phone and sat back at your desk. True it was Christmas Eve, but you were nowhere close to being ready to leave work. Stack after stack of paperwork was piling up, and it had to get done as soon as possible.

"I'm still at work," you said to your boyfriend dejectedly. "I thought I could get all this shit done this morning and this afternoon, but everywhere I look there's just more to be done and I don't want to be here but if I don't do it I'm gonna be in a huge hole that I won't be able to climb out of and I'm so pissed because I wanted to be with you tonight and I barely even had time to decorate the apartment so that looks like shit and there's just a little Christmas tree in the corner of my office that's drooping over like it's from the goddamn Charlie Brown special! I am that tree, Buck, sad and falling over."

"Y/N," Bucky said calmly. "It's gonna be okay."

You leaned forward and buried your head in your arm. "My New Year's Resolution should be to compartmentalize my life better."

"I've got something you can compartmentalize when you get home if you'd like."

"Really, penis jokes?" You asked, attempting to hold back laughter.

"I'd say it was more of a sex joke, but take it as you'd like," he said. "Just trying to cheer you up."

You laughed and rubbed your forehead, quickly returning to your depressed state. "I'm sorry, Bucky, I really am. I really really wanted to be home tonight."

"I know, Y/N, don't worry about it. Stark invited me to his Christmas party tonight, everyone else will be there, I'll just go there."

"Okay," you sighed. "Listen, I should get going, I want to get out of here by New Years. Don't worry about staying up for me, I might be really late."

"Good luck," Bucky replied. "You're gonna finish everything you have to do, and then you're going to take a few days off and hang out with me because you work too goddamn hard and never relax."

You laughed slightly. "Bye, Bucky."

"See you later, Y/N."


A few hours later, you were beginning the walk home from your office to your apartment, which was just a few blocks away. As you walked, you looked at the lights hanging from the buildings and the Christmas trees visible through apartment windows, slowly growing sadder.

Jesus Christ I can't wait to go back to my apartment with its shitty, wimpy strand of Christmas lights around one room.

You took out your phone and texted Bucky that you were on your way home to distract yourself, but didn't expect a response if he was at Stark's. Less than twenty minutes later you'd arrived at our building, and were looking forward to crawling into bed and going right to sleep. You stomped up the staircase and unlocked the apartment door, walking into the dark apartment and tossing all of your stuff into the hall closet.

You turned around to go into the kitchen and gasped at what you saw.

Bucky stood in the center of the living room, wearing a Santa hat and surrounded by Christmas decorations and lights that hadn't been there when you left that morning.

"Bucky," you said, mouth hanging open. "What is all this?!"

"Merry Christmas Y/N," he said, grinning as he walked towards you.

You looked around in awe as he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Where did all this come from?!"

"Steve helped me steal it from Stark," he said sheepishly.

You hugged him tightly, unable to stop smiling. "You're incredible."

"Ah, but there's more."

The lights in the kitchen, that had also been decorated, flicked on, revealing Steve, Bruce, Natasha, Tony, Thor, Wanda, and Clint standing there.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They cried in unison, rushing out into the living room.

"Oh my god, Bucky!"

"It's past midnight, which means it's Christmas. And you spend Christmas with the people you love," he said, keeping one arm wrapped around your waist as he turned to face your friends. "So we came to you."

"You guys are awesome."

"We know. Now let the celebration begin!" Clint whooped, lifting two bottles of champagne up from behind the kitchen counter.

A few hours later we were all crowded in the living room, drinking and trading bizarre Christmas stories. You were sitting on Bucky's lap on the couch, wedged next to Steve and Wanda. Your legs were draped over his your arm was wrapped around his neck while one of his arms was hooked around your back and his other hand moved up and down your leg lazily.

"Are you sure you don't want me to move?" You asked for the millionth time. "This can't be comfortable for you."

"Y/N, you keep asking and I keep telling you the same thing. You're fine," he muttered, nuzzling my neck slightly.

This was odd behavior from Bucky, who usually hated PDA, especially in front of his team. But, you weren't complaining. He seemed really happy, and you sure as hell were. Bucky kissed your jaw lightly as you leaned into him, making your face turn bright red.

"Hey, get a room, Barnes!" Clint called from across the room.

Bucky flicked him off. "It's our apartment, asshole."

"And we should leave," Natasha said, putting the cup she'd been drinking from down. "The sun is coming up and it looks like Y/N and Bucky are ready to give each other a Christmas present if you know what I mean."

You stood from Bucky's lap and went to hug Natasha and Wanda as they started to head for the door. The guys followed them out, and you all said our goodbyes and Merry Christmas's. Once everyone was gone, you turned back to Bucky, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"Thank you," you whispered, burying your face in his chest. "That was awesome."

"You deserve it," he muttered.

He put his hand on the back of your head and tilted your face upwards before kissing you slowly. You pulled him closer to you by his hips and smiled into the kiss as the slight gap between your bodies closed. He pulled away after a moment and stared at you silently.

"Merry Christmas," he said, touching your cheek lightly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Bucky kissed your forehead and smirked down at you. "So, how about that compartmentalization we talked about earlier?"

You chuckled slightly and rolled your eyes. "You know when I said I need to compartmentalize better, I didn't mean that I just needed to fuck you more often."

"So it's a no to sex then?"

"Well I never said that, I just want you to stop calling it-"

Bucky cut you off by kissing you harder than he had before. His hand slid down to yours and you grabbed it quickly. Seconds later the two of you were eagerly tearing through the apartment, headed for the bedroom.

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