Loki- Jealous

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You stood alone at the bar of Stark tower during the party Tony was throwing for some reason or another. Your eyes wandered around the room for a few moments before landing on your boyfriend, Loki, who stood on the other side of the room. He was standing with a rather large group, sipping a glass of light brown liquid. You sighed and turned back to your drink, taking a large sip. Loki had been in one of his moods lately, and he had barely said a word since you two had arrived at the party. When you glanced towards him again, you saw him talking to a very pretty blond and her much older date. You rolled your eyes, hoping he had seen but knowing he hadn't.

"Excuse me?" A voice said from next to you.

You turned to find an unfamiliar man standing to your left.


"Um, I think you dropped this," he said, holding up what you recognized as your cell phone. "It was under your chair."

"Oh, crap, thank you," you smiled, taking it from him and sticking your hand out, "I'm Y/N, by the way."

He shook it and smiled back, "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Alex."

"So, how do you know Tony? I've never seen you at one of his parties," you asked, taking another sip of your drink.

"We were business partners a while back. I ran into him the other day and he invited me to this shindig. You?"

"Umm, we're just friends, I guess," you lied. Really, I'm part of his team that flies around the world destroying evil psychopaths and aliens, HAHAHAHHAHAHAH.

"So, what are you doing drinking alone, Y/N?" Alex asked you, accepting a beer the bartender slid towards him.

You shrugged, "Oh believe me, Alex, you do not want to hear about that."

"Oh but I do."

"If be careful what you wish for if I were you," you laughed.

He began laughing as well, and you smiled at having someone nice to talk to.

"Y/N, who's your friend?"

You stopped laughing the second you heard Loki's voice from the other side of you. When you turned, you found yourself face to face with him. His green eyes looked past you and shot daggers at Alex.

"Wow, fancy seeing you here," you said sarcastically.

"Who's your friend?" He asked again.

"I'm Alex," Alex said, raising a hand in greeting.

"Alex, this is Loki," you said reluctantly.

"Her boyfriend," Loki added.

Alex's eyes widened as he clearly knew who Loki was. "Well, it was nice to meet you, Y/N. Maybe I'll see you at another party someday." He turned and walked into the crowds.

You turned back to face Loki, glaring at him.

"Well wasn't he nice," he said smugly.

"Can you not be an asshole for once, please," you snapped.

"He's the one who hit on a girl with a boyfriend," he retaliated. "What kind of a prick does that?!"

"He was just being nice," you rolled your eyes. Suddenly, an thought dawned on you. "Wait a second," you smirked, interrupting his rant about how men are never just nice to pretty girls and it's all about sex and blah blah. "Is the mighty Loki Laufeyson jealous?!"

"Of a mortal?" He scoffed, pulling his Asgardian flask out of his pocket and taking a swig. "Never."

"Oh so you wouldn't mind if I went and asked him to dance, then?" You teased, hopping off your stool.

Loki stiffened, "Well I know you won't."

"You never know," you smirked, moving closer to him. "I've had a few drinks, I'm feeling a little bolder."

His arm shot out and wrapped around your waist suddenly, trapping you between him and the bar. You looked up at him and rose an eyebrow.


He bit his bottom lip and stared into your eyes. "Incredibly."

You grinned triumphantly and put your hands on his cheeks. "Then it's a good thing you have nothing to worry about."

He turned his head slightly, and his face darkened. You looked and saw Alex staring at you two from across the room, and you could feel Loki seething with anger. Without missing a beat, you turned his face back towards yours, and kissed him aggressively smack dab on the mouth. You could feel him grinning as he obliged you, his hands gripping your back tightly.

"Let's go," you said, pulling away after a minute. "I can think of much better things we could be doing."

Loki grinned and grabbed your hand, leading you to the exit. On your way out, you passed an annoyed looking Alex, which only made Loki's smirk wider. When you reached the elevator and the doors closed, he drew you into his side protectively and planted a light kiss on your forehead.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course, love."

"I should talk to other guys more often. You look adorable when you're jealous," you giggled.

Loki rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up."

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