Clint- Just Friends

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The number of times Clint and Y/N had been mistaken for a couple was comical. Anytime they went out in public together, it was always 'Oh, you two are so adorable together!' or 'How long have you guys been together?' It was sickening. And every time, it was a competition to see who could shut the person who had made the comment down first.

But deep down, all Clint really wanted to be able to do was thank the person, and kiss Y/N on the forehead to show how much he loved her. Of course he couldn't do that, because she didn't know he loved her. And he would never tell her. Never.

He would never tell her how his heart started beating faster every time she laughed. Or how much he loved it when her nose got all crinkled up when she was concentrated on something. As badly as he wanted to say all this, he couldn't bring himself to. It was much easier to be friends that work very closely than to make things complicated with a relationship.

But now, he was regretting not telling her. As he watched the bullet from the Hydra agent's gun tear through her stomach, he felt his entire world shatter. Before the shooter could even move his finger off the trigger, there was an arrow in his chest.

"Y/N!" Clint cried, running to her side. He dropped his bow and pulled her into his lap.

Y/N struggled to breathe as the puddle of red under her grew larger and larger, and her eyes were wet. Clint pressed his hands against her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Ow," she wheezed. "That hurt like a bitch."

"It's all gonna be okay, Y/N, I promise you," he insisted. "Natasha and Steve are gonna bring the jet around and we'll take you back to HQ and get you all patched up, I promise! It'll be just like three years ago in Reykjavik. Remember, you got shot and we thought you were going to die, but you were okay. And you're going to be okay now, too."

She laughed weakly. "This is worse than Reykjavik."

"No!" Clint cried. "It can't be worse than Reykjavik!"

"Clint," she coughed, "you're m-my best friend. P-promise me, you won't forget me."

Clint blinked and pushed your hair out of your face, tears slipping down his face. "I could never."


"Y/N, hold on, I'm gonna get you out of here!"

"Clint," she whispered, "I'm going."

"No!" He roared, feeling her pulse get weaker. "No!"

Y/N was barely breathing now, and a single tear rolled down her cheek. "I-I've always loved you." She stammered, and Clint felt his heart shatter.

"Y/N!" He screamed. "Y/N! No, don't leave me, you can't leave me, I love you!"

She didn't respond, and Clint sobbed brokenly. He cradled her limp body in his arms and kissed her cold forehead, his whole body shaking.

"Come back," he whispered. "Y/N, please. I need you."


Natasha and Steve had arrived, both realizing what had happened. She touched his shoulder gently, and tried to hide her own sadness.

"Clint, she's gone."

"No, she can't be gone," he whispered. "She can't be."

"I'm sorry."

"She's not dead!" He cried. "She can't be dead. She just can't."

Clint looked down at Y/N's body, her lifeless eyes staring up at him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and reached up to her face, gently closing her eyes. After taking a shallow breath he hugged her one last time, and kissed her forehead.

"I will always love you," he whispered into her hair. "Always."

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