Matt Murdock- Train Station

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You stared out the widow of the train late one night, your eyelids drooping slightly. It was past midnight and you had stayed late at your office yet again attempting to tie up some loose ends. You saw your stop growing closer in the distance and stood, eyeing the men sitting on the opposite side of the train wearily. One of them was staring at you hungrily, twiddling his meaty little thumbs in his lap. You immediately felt sick to your stomach as the train slowed and you headed for the exit. You stuck your hand into your jacket picket, fingers curling around the small can of pepper spray you always had on you.

Hell's Kitchen wasn't the place you'd grown up in anymore. It had become a city right out of a comic book. The streets seemed to be unsafe for even the toughest drug lords, and new dangers were found around every corner. But despite the warnings people issued to you, you would still walk the two blocks from the train to your house alone late at night. You knew it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but hey, it's only two blocks. What could happen?

Apparently; a lot.

As you exited the train and reached the platform leading to several flights of stairs down to the street, you noticed the man from the train behind you. You began walking much faster, and your stomach dropped when you saw another man running up the stairs in front of you. Stopping, you pulled the pepper spray out, pointing it at him.

"Leave me alone!" You warned, "I swear to god, I'll-"

You were cut off by the man behind you grabbing you by the arms and slapping his hand over your mouth. You clawed at his hands fruitlessly as the other smirked.

"Don't struggle, sweetheart," he sneered. "It'll be over quicker."

Your eyes squeezed shut as he stepped closer and closer; you didn't want to see any of this. Suddenly, the man approaching you grunted, and it sounded like he was fighting someone. As your eyes opened, you felt the man behind you let go, and turned just in time to see him backing away.

"Y-you!" He sputtered.

You turned again and gasped at the sight of the Man in the Mask standing over the second assailants unconscious body. He cracked his neck menacingly and flew at the other man, quickly knocking him out as well.

You rubbed your wrists gently as the man dragged the others to a utility pole and used their belts to secure them. He stood up straight again and sighed loudly.

"Who are you?" You whispered.

He turned slightly, but just enough so he didn't face you. "A friend."

"You just saved my life and you aren't going to tell me your name?"

"It's kinda part of the whole act," he smirked slightly, heading back for the stairs.

"Thank you, for doing that."

He smiled softly and waved. "I'll be around."

"Wait, I want-"

And then, as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone.

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