Tony- Be Here

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"So, my sister and her husband get into town late tomorrow night, and we have dinner reservations for seven the night after that," you said to Tony, flitting around your bedroom, putting away clothes and straightening random things. "You may need to occupy my brother in law for a few hours like we talked about."

Tony grunted from his spot on the bed and you looked over at him. He stared down at his phone, clearly not paying any attention to the words coming out of your mouth. You sighed and put your hands on your hips, but he didn't even blink.

"And then I'm thinking we'll go ice skating with the polar bears I borrowed from the Central Park zoo."

"Uh huh," he mumbled. "Great."

You sighed again and stepped closer. "I'm pregnant."

"Alright, whatever you say," he muttered mindlessly.

"Jesus Christ, could you pay attention for five minutes!" You snapped, and Tony's head shot up.

"Sorry, what?"

"Tony, how many times have we had this discussion?"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm confused."

"You work fifteen hour days, Tony. I don't get all that much free time with you," you started. "I would like it if when we are together, you would act invested in the conversation. You're not here when I go to bed, you're gone when I wake up, I've got a pretty small window of opportunity."

"Y/N, you know I'm an insomniac."

"Really?" You snorted, "the insomnia card?"

He suddenly looked guilty, seeming to realize the gravity of the situation. "Sorry."

"If you want to keep working, stay in the lab."

"Okay, okay, I'm done," he insisted, putting his phone face down in his lap.

"Thank you." You smiled softly and went back to cleaning up. "As I was saying, they get in late, so either I can go pick them up or we can send a car. What do you think?"

He didn't respond, and you turned back around.


Tony dropped his phone into his lap like it had burnt his hands. "Sorry, I'm sorry, Bruce won't stop texting me about-"

"I don't care," you said sharply.

"Y/N, if I can just run down to the lab for like an hour, I can come back and we'll talk, completely uninterrupted!"

"Yes, you'll come back in the middle of the night, because God knows an hour in the lab means five or six," you snapped. "I love you, Tony, I do, but this is getting out of control! Is it too much to ask for you to be here?!"

"I am here!" He protested.

"You're here physically, but your mind is somewhere else and it's infuriating!"

Tony looked down at his hands, and you sighed heavily.

"I know we both have a lot going on," you said after a few minutes. "But I need you to be here, Tony. Please. Just for a little while."

Tony sat up straighter, and picked up his phone. Your shoulders started to slump dejectedly, and he noticed. Suddenly, he opened the drawer of the bedside table and shoved his phone into in before slamming it shut. Your lips curled into a small smile as he stood and walked over to you.

"Y/N," he murmured, rubbing your arms comfortingly, "you are the most important thing in my life. Anytime you need me, I am here. I promise you that."

You bit your lip slightly and flashed a soft smile. "Thank you."

Tony put his hand on the back of your head and pressed his lips against your forehead, lingering there for a few moments. He pulled back slightly and smiled down at you.

"Now, I'm going to take a shower," he smirked. "Care to join me?"

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