Bucky- Countdown

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9:00 PM: 3 Hours until Midnight
Tony's New Year's Eve party was just getting started. You sat at the bar with Wanda and Natasha; people watching. A woman wearing a very, very sparkly dress with a round skirt passed by and Natasha gasped.

"Guys, look! The ball escaped from Times Square!"

You laughed loudly and sipped your drink slowly, scanning the large room. Your eyes landed on Bucky, who stood across the room with Bruce and Steve. He smiled softly and rose his glass towards you. You did the same, and immediately felt a blush creep up your face. Natasha and Wanda noticed, and both made loud 'OOOOOOOH' noises.

You rolled your eyes. "Shut up."

"Has Y/N found her mystery man for her midnight kiss?!" Natasha trilled.

"I think she has," Wanda agreed, waggling her eyebrows at you.

"I need new friends," you grumbled into your drink

10:15 PM: One Hour and 45 Minutes until Midnight
"Alright, Natasha has been talking to Bruce for over half an hour," you muttered to Wanda.

"So, she will be kissing Doctor Banner and you will be kissing Bucky," she smirked in response.

You glared at her and picked up the glass of wine the bartender had given you. "I've held back giving you shit over Vision, you wanna go there?"

Wanda fell silent and you grinned victoriously. You looked around the room again, trying to locate Bucky. He seemed to have completely disappeared, and you frowned.

11:45 PM: 15 Minutes until Midnight
"Champagne time!" Tony called loudly, and the entire party cheered.

Caterers in black tuxedos appeared out of nowhere carrying trays crowded with flutes of champagne. You took one off of a passing tray and took a tiny sip. Wanda had ditched you a few minutes ago to talk to Vision, and now you were alone at the bar. You were contemplating leaving the party and just going up to your room when someone behind you cleared their throat loudly. You turned around, and your mouth spread into a wide grin.

"Hey, Y/N."

"Hi, Bucky."

"How's the party been treating you?"

You shrugged. "I've been ditched by Wanda and Natasha, so not so great."

"Yeah, Steve left me too," he smiled softly and looked down at his beer.

"At least we have each other." You held out your drink and clinked it against his.

"That we do."

11:50 PM: 10 Minutes until Midnight
"You know what we should do?"

Bucky rose his eyebrows at you.

You motioned to the empty balcony. "We should go watch the fireworks outside. I bet it's better that watching from the window."

He nodded slowly as a grin crossed his face. "Yeah, let's do that."

You smiled back at him and took his arm gently before leading him towards the door. As you opened it, a blast of cool air hit you and you shivered slightly. When Bucky saw, he shrugged out of his jacket and offered it to you. You took it and smiled, draping it over your shoulders.

"I love the view from out here," you said, making your way to the balcony railing. "You can see the entire city."

Bucky nodded and stood next to you. His hand hung next to yours, so close they were almost touching. Your heart started beating faster, and you took a deep breath.

11:58 PM: 2 Minutes until Midnight
"You look really pretty tonight, Y/N," Bucky said slowly. "I mean, you look pretty every night, but like tonight, you look exceptionally pretty, and I just wanted to, um...shit, I'm sorry, I'm really bad at this."

You smiled and laughed quietly. "Thank you, Bucky. That's very sweet of you."

"SIXTY SECONDS!" Someone screamed from inside.

He suddenly looked more nervous, and cleared his throat quietly. You adjusted the jacket so it was more secure and looked out over the city. Times Square was visible in the distance, and you could hear the music and cheering.


Your eyes met his, and you shifted closer towards him. You reached up and pushed a lock of his hair behind his ear, then rested your hand on his cheek lightly.


He put his hands on your hips and your breath caught slightly. Your eyes met his, and your noses almost touched.


He leaned forward suddenly, and just as your lips were about to touch, you put your fingers on his mouth.

"It's not midnight yet," you breathed, smiling slightly. "You can't kiss until midnight. It's tradition."

He scrunched up his nose and moved your fingers. "Screw traditions."

A laugh slipped from your mouth, and he caught it with his own. You cupped his face in your hands and kissed him back.


Cheers exploded from inside the party as fireworks did the same in the sky. You pulled back slightly and looked back towards the building. Tony and Pepper were making out in the center of the room, no surprise there. Bruce and Natasha were kissing in a dark corner, making you want to squeal with delight; and at the last second you saw Vision bending down and pecking Wanda on the mouth sweetly. You looked back at Bucky, who smiled down at you.

"Happy New Year, Y/N."

"Happy New Year, Buck."

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! I hope 2016 is good to all of you :))))) As always remember to vote/comment and let me know what you guys think!!! Thanks & ilysm ;)))

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