Tony- What Did You Say?

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"Tony! Tony, I figured it out!" You cried out giddily, jumping up from your lab table.

Tony looked up from the suit he was welding and pushed his goggles off his face. "Y/N, you have said that six times in the past month and you have not once figured it out."

"No, no, I swear I've got it this time! Please, please, just come over here!"

He tossed his torch down and walked over to your station. "Alright," he said, sitting in your chair. "Explain."

"Okay, so this guy that keeps popping up can warp the weather into whatever he wants, right?"

Tony nodded, "Yeah, we know that. He kicks our asses with that stupid wind whenever we get anywhere close to him."

"Exactly. Well, I think I figured out how he does it," you grinned. "I hacked into the National Weather Service's database and got this radar from the area where he attacked. It shows a sudden burst of energy, and a formation of storm cells. So I started thinking and doing some research and making some models on the computer. It took me a while, but I think I've got it."


"I think that this guy can do what he does by manipulating hydrogen atoms in the atmosphere. He messes with the electrons in the atoms some how, and is able to create whatever kind of weather condition he wants," you explained, pulling a figure up on your computer. "So if I'm right, then I think I know how we can stop him from being able to do this."

"Wait, we need to create a sort of vacuum," Tony said. "Something that will make the atoms unable to be manipulated. Is that even possible?"

You rose your eyebrows. "I think it's worth a shot."

Tony's face broke into a grin. "You, are brilliant, Y/N."

"And that's what you like about me," you smile. "I'm always surprising you."

"That you are," he laughed, standing up. "Hey, you're still on for dinner tonight, right?"

"Of course," you replied, patting his cheek softly. "Now, I'll need your engineering expertise to help me build this atom thingie."

Tony pulled a chair over and sat closely to you. For the rest of the day, you and Tony sketched up some blueprints and began tinkering with different parts.

"Alright, so, let's hope this fuses together," you mutter a while later. In your gloved hand, you held a pair of tongs, which held a small sample of some explosive element that Tony had given you.

Tony held the device you had started building it steady, his eyes glued to the tongs. You slowly lowered it onto the metal, and the second they touched, it began sparking. You cursed loudly and dropped the tongs.

"Jarvis!" Tony called, and the two of you were bombarded by the contents from the fire extinguishers in the ceiling.

You coughed and waved your hands in the air to get rid of the stuff. "I'm done! I'm done for the day, I look like the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man."

"We both do," Tony laughed, picking a tiny piece of metal out of your hair.

"We'll try again tomorrow, though," you said, heading back to your desk. "We've gotta get this done."

"You know that's one of the reasons I love you, you're so determined and-" Tony stopped talking and his face turned white as you slowly turned around.

"What did you just say?" You asked.

"N-nothing, nothing at all," he said, clearing his throat.

You smirked and leaned against the desk. "Yes, you did. Tony Stark, are you in love with me?"

"No, I said like, that's why I like you," he insisted, his face growing red.

"Tony Stark loves a woman, I never thought I'd live to see this day!" You teased.

"What day?" Clint asked suddenly, entering the lab with the rest of the team.

"No day! Just an ordinary day!" Tony snapped.

"Y/N, what's going on here?" Natasha asked skeptically.

You glanced over at Tony, who stared back with pleading eyes. "Nothing," you responded.

Tony's face relaxed and he exhaled loudly. But, he turned white again when he heard Wanda clear her throat.

"She knows," he muttered to you.

"I do know," Wanda grinned. "And I must say, Stark, I am quite surprised."

"Well, tell us already!" Thor bellowed.

Wanda opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Tony clearing his throat.

"I," he said loudly, "Am in love with Y/N."

Your face turned bright red as the rest of the team gasped, and Tony smirked at you. You met his gaze and walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.

"I think it's about time I told you I feel the same," you whispered into his ear.

"Thank god," Tony grinned, and kissed you right on the mouth.

"Oh god really?" Clint complained loudly as Steve and Bruce whistled.

Tony lifted one of his hands from your face and used it to flick the team off, prompting them to leave you two alone.

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