Bucky- Russian

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A/N: I used google for the translations, so forgive me if they're wrong :)

"Она выглядит красивым вечером. (She looks beautiful tonight)."

You whipped around at the sound of the quiet comment, immediately knowing it was Bucky and Natasha again. The two of them found it hilarious that the Avengers communications liaison and resident genius spoke almost every language except for Russian, and they constantly walked around you whispering to each other. Obviously you had no idea what they were saying, and it was infuriating.

"Buck, stop!" You snapped, catching a glimpse of him hiding with Nat behind a couch. "You know that bothers the hell out of me!"

The two of them popped up, grinning at you.

"Мы ничего не сказать означает! (We aren't saying anything mean)" Natasha protested.

You shot her an angry look as she dissolved into laughter and you out your hands on your hips impatiently. Your gaze moved to Bucky, and you rose your eyebrows at him. He offered a small smile in return, walking closer to you.

"Y/N, we didn't say anything bad. It's just fun to be able to talk about something that you don't know all about."

"Oh yeah? And how do I know that?" You snapped, trying your hardest to not react to him wrapping his arms around you.

"Because," he whispered, his face dangerously close to yours, "Я люблю тебя."

"And what's that mean?" You asked quietly.

Bucky grinned, his lips hovering just in front of yours. "You're a smart girl, Y/N. I think you know."

A smile slowly spread across your lips as he pressed his forehead against yours. "I think I do. But I'd like to hear it in a language I speak."

Bucky opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by Natasha coughing loudly.

"Take the love fest elsewhere, please," she snapped.

Bucky smirked and stepped back from you. "I've gotta go meet Steve."

"I'll see you tonight!" You called after him.

He turned around and pointed right at you as he reached the door. "Моя любовь, я приветствую вас в каждом мечты." (My love, I meet you in every dream.)

Bucky left the room, and Natasha's mouth hung open.

"Damn, he's smooth," she said in disbelief. "No wonder you're so into him."

"What did he say?!" You cried, "Nat, what did he say?"

Natasha smirked and started to walk out of the room. "Well I'm not going to tell you. That would ruin all the fun!"

You began to protest, but before you could say anything, she was out of the room.


A few weeks later, you were prepared. Bucky had been on a mission with Steve and Natasha for several days, and during those days, you got down to business. You taught yourself Russian. You told Clint about your plan and he told you you were insane, but you ignored him. By the time Bucky got home, you'd be able to understand what he was saying to Natasha. It would take a normal person a very long time to learn Russian, but you nailed it in a little less than a week. You had even impressed yourself this time.

Now, you were sitting in the common room at the Avengers compound, drinking tea and reading a book. Your phone buzzed in your pocket and you pulled it out eagerly, expecting it to be Bucky.

Buckaroo: I'm back. Your room or mine tonight? I'm exhausted and in desperate need of a cuddle bud :)

You smirked to yourself as you began typing your response.

Mine. I'm coming up now.

You hopped off the couch, tossing your book and empty mug onto the table. In a matter of moments, you had reached your room and were walking into the dark room. You started to call Bucky's name, but stopped at the sight of the lump on your bed. He was fast asleep.

You grinned and put your stuff down on the dresser before kicking off your shoes and padding over to the bed. You moved close to Bucky, wrapping your arms around his flesh one and burying your face in his chest.

Several minutes later, as you drifted off to sleep, you heard him start to mumble incoherently beside you, still asleep. This was nothing new, it happened almost every night. You would ask him about it sometimes, and he brushed it off, claiming it was just a stupid dream about food or something. And you had no reason to think he wasn't being honest. Until tonight. Slowly, you realized he was speaking Russian. And even slower, you began to understand what he was saying.

"пожалуйста, нет (please, no)," he muttered. "она невиновна . оставить ее убить меня!" (She is innocent. Leave her, kill me!).

You sat up quickly, not quite sure what to do.

"нет нет," his voice rose slightly and your heart broke. "Я сделаю все что угодно. отпусти ее! (I will do anything. Let her go!) убей меня!" (Kill me!)

"Bucky!" You cried, grabbing his shoulders as he began to thrash around. "Bucky, please, wake up!"

He sat up suddenly, breath ragged and eyes darting around the room. His gaze settled on you and he looked a little calmer.

"Hey, Y/N. Sorry, I had an exciting dream," he lied straight through his teeth and pulled you into a hug. "I tried to wait up for you but I'm exhausted."

"What was your dream?" You asked bluntly.

Bucky looked caught off guard. "Just normal stuff."

"You were yelling in Russian about how you wanted someone to kill you, that's not normal!"

"Y/N, some-" he stopped and gave you a questioning look. "Wait, if I was speaking Russian, how did you know what I was saying?"

You hesitated as you felt your cheeks flush. "Um, well while you were gone, I may or may not have taught myself rudimental Russian."

Bucky smiled slightly and put his arm around you. "You did not."

"I did."

"You're amazing," he mumbled, kissing your hair softly.



"I know you've been through a lot and that you're going to have nightmares. And I know that you probably feel that you can't share that with me, but you can," you said softly. "I'm here, Buck. You can tell me anything, no matter how bad."

"Thanks, Y/N."

"Я люблю тебя," you whispered, putting your hands on his cheeks.

Bucky grinned and kissed you passionately, holding you tighter and closer.

"I love you, too, Y/N."

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