Loki- I Told You

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"What did I tell you?" You muttered harshly.

Loki's lips curled into a smile. "Well, you've told me many a thing Lady Y/N. But what I remember most specifically is something about you, oh, I don't know, loving me."

"Shut up, Loki," you scoffed.

"You told me you loved me Y/N, that is not something you can just expect me to let go of," he said, following you as you walked through Stark Tower.

You shook your head. "You are an imbecile."

"Well that certainly is not what you were saying a few nights ago," he chuckled, staring you down with his emerald like eyes.

"Stop bringing that up," you hiss. "I was drunk, it was one night and it's over."

You went to get in the elevator when he took your wrist gently, your heart skipping a beat.

"But do you really want it to be?" He whispered right into your ear, chills spreading down your spine.

You opened your mouth but no words came, and he smirked mischievously. Slowly, he kissed you right under your jaw and your legs turned to jelly.

"I-I t-think-"

"Shhh," he cut you off and began backing away slowly, his hand trailing down to yours. Finally, when your arm was fully outreached, he dropped it and smiled again. "I'll see you later, Y/N."

Loki disappeared up the stairs and you fell backwards against the wall, your heart pounding.

"So, Y/N. You and Loki?Tony snarked as he entered the room. "Looks like you could use a cold shower."

You quickly straightened up and rolled your eyes, entering the elevator. "Shut up, Tony."

As the doors began to shut, he yelled something about Loki saying he liked you a few weeks ago. And as hard as you wanted to look pissed at Tony, you couldn't help but grin at the floor as the elevator began to move.

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