Tony- Come Back

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Brownie points if you can tell where I got my inspiration ;))))

You woke up earlier than any person should, feeling much colder than you had when you'd fallen asleep. The other side of the bed was empty and cold. Your bedroom door was slightly ajar, and a small beam of light from the hallway glowed in the gap. You slowly got up, taking the comforter with you, and walked out of the room. As you had expected, the lights in the stairwell going down to Tony's lab were on. You padded down the stairs, sighing lightly as you reached the bottom. Your boyfriend sat at his desk with his back to you, writing furiously on a piece of paper.

"Tony, come back to bed," you called out softly, walking over to his side.

He jumped slightly and quickly folded up what he had been writing upon. "Y/N. I'll be back in a minute, I've just got to finish this real quick."

You wrapped your arms around him from behind and rested your chin on his shoulder. "You work like it won't be there when you wake up. Just come back to sleep."

"Shhhh," he said quietly. "I just need to finish this."

"Tony, it's pitch black out."

"I have a meeting in the morning."

"Then you should sleep so you're nice and alert for that."


"Please, Tony," you whispered. "I miss you."

"My meeting is early," he replied, stroking your arm softly, "I'll be next to you when you wake up, if you hadn't woken up you never would've known I was even out of bed."

You pulled away from him and frowned slightly, hugging the blanket to your chest. He turned around in his chair, his face crestfallen.

"Fine, then. I'm going back to bed."

Tony reached out and took your arm gently as you began to leave.

"Hey," he whispered, pulling you back to him. "I'm sorry."

He pressed his lips against yours softly, putting his hand on the side of your face.

"I love you," he said after you backed away again.

"I love you, too," you called as you walked back up the stairs. "If your ass isn't in bed when I wake up again you're in big trouble, mister."

"Y/N, don't worry, you own this ass."


"Y/N, Y/N, wake up."

Your eyes fluttered open and you slowly rolled over at the sound of Steve's voice. You were still alone.

"What's wrong?" You yawned, looking up at him. Your stomach dropped. "Steve, what happened to you? W-why are you wearing your uniform?"

Steve stood next to your bed, his face covered in ash or something. He looked distraught, and was bleeding from a cut on his forehead.

"Y/N, I, uh, have some not so good news," he said quietly. "I-it's about Tony."

You pushed the blankets off of yourself and stumbled out of bed. "Where is he? What happened?"

"Y/N, we were on a mission early a-and it was supposed to be quick and simple, but it went really south really fast," he rambled.

"Steve, where's Tony?!"

He hesitated and his eyes flicked downwards. "We don't know."

You felt your heart stop in your chest. The room suddenly seemed to be spinning and your legs almost gave out.

"What do you mean you don't know where he is?" You cried, tears stinging your eyes.

"His job was to fly ahead of us and get us into the Hydra base," he said quietly. "Everything was going well, but we lost connection with him. We had to get out of there without him. We're doing everything we can to track him down, Y/N, but it isn't looking too great."

"No," you breathed, stumbling back toward the bed. "No, no, no!"

"I'm sorry, Y/N, I'm so, so, sorry," Steve said hoarsely, touching your shoulder softly.

You jerked away and flew off the bed again. "Don't tell me you're sorry!" You cried, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks. "Tell me how this happened! Tell me where my boyfriend is!"

"I'm trying my hardest, I promise you that. We're getting him back."

You turned your back to Steve and stared out the window.

"This was on top of his desk," he muttered after a few long moments. "It's addressed to you."

You took the paper from his hand slowly and held it out in front of you slightly.

"Um, I'll leave you alone," Steve said quietly. "I'll keep you posted. Again, I'm so sorry."

You thanked him quietly as he walked out the door. You unfolded the paper and began reading it.

Dear Y/N,
I've made myself a promise. From now on, I'm going to write you a letter like this one before I leave for a mission. It's just in case something goes wrong. And I have a feeling this is going to go wrong. I didn't tell you about this one; you wouldn't like it. It's risky.

You just came down and told me to come back to bed. I wanted to, really, I did. But I've gotta leave soon and you deserve this note. After putting up with me for so long, you deserve this in case I fuck up and get myself in deep shit. Sorry, that was vulgar. I'll get to the point now.

Y/N, I want you to know how much I love you. Over the past few years, any second I didn't spend with you was a second wasted. You are my best friend; my light; my muse; occasionally a pain in my ass; my absolute everything. I hope you never have to read this letter. I hope that with my entire being. I hope that you'll wake up in my arms tomorrow, and never have to know what I had to do this morning. I love you more than anything in the world.

Yours always,

You looked up from the letter that was now dotted with tears. You stood and slowly walked over to the window, moving the curtain out of the way. The sun wasn't fully risen yet, and the city was still waking up. You bit your lip as tears streamed steadily down your cheeks.

"Come back," you cried shakily. "Please, Tony, please. I love you! If you're gone-" your voice broke off and you clutched the letter closer to your chest. "I need you, Tony, come home. Please, come home."

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