He Comes Home from a Mission (Pt 2)

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"It's been two weeks. Two weeks, Nat," you sobbed to your best friend. "I haven't heard a thing in two weeks."

"Y/N, it's okay," Natasha told you softly. "This happens every now and then. I'm sure he's fine."

"Oh god," you moaned, "What if he's dead?"

"He isn't dead."

"He's dead! He's dead! Oh god, I'm gonna die!" You started crying again and threw yourself onto your bed.

Natasha sighed and looked at you sadly. "Do you want me to stay?"

You shrugged.

"I'm going to go get something to eat. I'll come tell you if I hear anything, okay?"

You nodded solemnly and she left your room, closing the door softly behind her.

For the next few hours, you sat alone in your room while your mind dangerously wandered. At some point, you stood up to go find something else to distract you, and opened your closet door. At the same time, the door to your room opened, and Clint casually walked inside, shutting it behind him.

He dropped his bag on the ground and looked over at you, smiling widely. "Hey!"

Your jaw dropped and you glared at him. "Hey?" You repeated. "I haven't heard from you in two goddamn weeks and all I get is hey?"

Clint clearly realized his mistake, and his face dropped. "Y/N, I'm sorry, okay. I know it was a dick move, but I was working!"

"I thought you were dead!" You cried. "I didn't need you to call me and have a three hour conversation! All I needed was a five second call or a cell phone ping, anything that would let me know that you were alive!"

Suddenly, Clint took you by surprise and pushed you up against the wall, kissing you aggressively. You melted into his arms, and your anger disappeared. He put one of his hands on your cheek and pulled back slightly a few moments later.

"For over two weeks, I've dreamt of that every night," he whispered. "Every second of the past two weeks has been focused on doing whatever I could to get back to the girl I love the fastest."

You started crying again softly, making Clint look slightly confused.

"Hey, no, don't cry," he said softly, using his thumbs to wipe your cheeks. "Baby, please don't cry."

You looked up at him and put your hands in his hair, "I love you."

He grinned and kissed you again. "I love you so much more."

"Move! Move please!" You snapped, running through the SHIELD HQ hallways. "Jesus Christ, I said move!"

There was suddenly a path cleared ahead of you, and you started running even faster. Steve followed close behind you, trying to get you to slow down.

"Y/N! Come on! Stop!"

You ignored him and kept running until you reached SHIELD's hospital win. Skidding around the corner, you glanced into each room, searching for your boyfriend. When you finally found him, you bolted into his room.

"Oh thank god, you're okay," you rushed to the side of Pietro's bed and put your hands on his face, kissing him quickly.

"Y/N, I'm fine," he laughed slightly.

"Oh Christ your leg," you sighed, glancing down at his splinted ankle. "Pietro, I told you, you've gotta be more careful."

"I'm always careful!"

"That's debatable."

He made a face at you, making you burst into laughter, and held his arms out. You stepped up and over the edge of the bed and into his arms, making sure to avoid his ankle. Steve walked into the room as you were snuggling into his chest and smiled softly.

"See, I told you he was fine."

Very very late one night, you were tossing and turning, attempting to find sleep. When Bucky wasn't with you, it became incredibly difficult to sleep soundly. And when you did sleep, it was light and often filled with dreams about what Bucky could be going through.

Your eyes had finally fluttered closed and had fallen into a light slumber when your door opened silently. But you didn't hear it. Nor did you hear the person that had opened it walk into your room and pause at the foot of your bed. You only stirred slightly when you felt the mistress dip beside you. But you still pretended you were sleeping. You instantly felt goosebumps spread across your body as Bucky's hand hovered above your arm, and you tried not to burst into tears of happiness.

Instead, you flipped over quickly and hugged him tightly and burying your face in his shoulder. His arms were instantly around you as he kissed your hair and rubbed your back.

"I missed you," you said softly, brushing some of his hair out of his face.

"You have no idea how badly I've been wanting to be with you over the past few weeks. I hate leaving you," he murmured, bringing you even closer to him. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Buck."

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