Tony- Come Back (Pt 2)

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It grew more and more difficult to sleep every night. The search for Tony was hitting dead end after dead end, and you were beginning to lose hope. Each lead the team got went cold almost instantly, putting quite a strain on all of you. One night a few weeks after Tony's disappearance, you and Steve sat in a conference room, trying to track down another lead.


You grunted in response and stared down at the papers in front of you, your eyes glazed over.

"We've been at this for six hours."

"Stop if you want," you muttered.

Steve hesitated and reached over, taking the papers out of your hands. "Y/N, we should start making arrangements."

"Excuse you?"

"It's protocol."

"For normal field agents, yes, but for an Avenger, Steve?! For Tony?! You cried, flying to your feet. "After all he's done, you're just going to give up?!"

"I'm not giving up, Y/N, I-"

"You are giving up!" Tears brimmed in your eyes as you grabbed the papers from the table.

You started to say something else, but were cut off by an assistant entering the room suddenly.

"Uh, excuse me," he said hesitantly, "there's something you both should see."

"No," you snapped. "I'm not seeing anything. Steve, we're done here. Goodnight."

"Miss, I think-"

"Goodnight," you repeated harshly, pushing past the assistant and rushing up to your bedroom.

The moment you crossed the threshold and the door closed, you began to fall apart. You stumbled across the room to the dresser, tears making your vision blurry. You pulled a black t-shirt from the drawer holding some of Tony's clothes and drew it to your chest tightly.

"I can't let go of you," you sobbed. "I can't."

You buried your face in the fabric, inhaling the scent of Tony's cologne that still lived in the shirt. With a loud, broken cry, you leaned against the dresser and slid to the floor. Tears streamed down your cheeks as you curled into a ball and hugged the shirt to your chest. 

You shuddered and squeezed your eyes shut. "I can't do this anymore."


Your head instantly shot up at the sound of your name.

Tony stood in the doorway of your bedroom, face bruised and beaten. You scrambled to your feet and dropped the shirt to the floor.

"Y-you're here?" You breathed. "You're back."

Tony nodded slowly. "I'm back."

You ran across the room to him and threw your arms around his neck. He held you tightly as you cried softly into his shoulder.

"Don't you ever do that to me again, you bastard!"

He smiled slightly and squeezed you even tighter. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

"And that letter," you cried, putting your hands on his face, "what the hell was that?!"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought it would make it easier if something were to happen to me."

"You wanna know the only thing that makes my life easier, Tony?"

The corners of his mouth flicked upward and he put his hand on your cheek. "I have a feeling it's going to be something about how irresponsible I am."

"The only thing that makes my life easier is having you with me," you muttered.  "When I can see you and touch you and talk to you. That's when I'm happy."

"I promise I'll be more careful," he murmured.

You pressed your forehead against his and smiled. "I have a fabulous idea."

He kissed you quickly before replying. "And what would that be?"

"The same thing I told you a few weeks ago. Come back to bed."

"Y/N, there is nothing I'd rather do."

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