Bucky- Don't Do Anything Stupid (Pt 1)

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You trudged through Stark Tower one afternoon after your brother had kicked you out of the lab, looking for something to do. Being Tony Stark's younger sister was kind of a pain in the ass. He was always pushing you to do better, and today you had exploded and told him to get his head out of your space and go stick it somewhere quite explicit. Tony got mad and told you to leave the lab, so now you had nothing to do.

As you reached the living room, you noticed Steve and Bucky sitting there. You jumped over the couch and grinned at them. Steve and you had been really good friends for a while now, but Bucky was a different story. Ever since he'd arrived, he really only hung around Steve. Whenever you tried to be nice to him, he would basically just shut down.

"Hey, guys," you said, "Anyone up for some food? I would kill for a massive bagel smothered in cream cheese. Well not literally kill. You boys know my drill. Shoot to hurt not to kill. Ha that rhymed."

"That sounds great, Y/N, but I've gotta do something," Steve said apologetically and stood up. "Buck, why don't you go with her?"

Bucky's head snapped up and he glared at Steve. "What?"

"Yeah, it'll be fun!"

Steve winked at Bucky and walked out of the room. "Have fun you two."

"So," you looked over at Bucky, "Bagels?"

"Huh?" He still looked slightly bewildered.

"You know, delicious circles of bread that you put various spreads on. You eat bagels, right?"

He grinned suddenly, "Yes, I eat bagels."

"Yay," you stood up and headed for the elevator, "Let's hit it, Barnes."


"Are we clear?" You whispered to Steve, sticking your head out the doorway from the kitchen to the living room.

Steve and Bucky looked out the massive windows and Steve nodded, "Yeah, Tony's gone. We're the only ones in the tower and- oh wow, uh you guys have already taken advantage of that."

As Steve was rambling, you had sprinted out from the doorway and towards Bucky. You'd jumped into his arms while he kissed you wildly, and you wrapped your legs around his waist.

"Guys, come on, I'm still here," Steve whined.

You stopped kissing Bucky and rolled your eyes, "Shut it Capsicle. I have to leave in five minutes for a two week mission. Let me have this."

"What is with the Stark family calling me Capsicle," he muttered and walked away towards the kitchen.

The last several months had been a sort of whirlwind. You and Bucky had grown very close in a short amount of time, and had been together for quite some time. But, you had been keeping it extremely quite. Steve was the only person in the whole world who knew, and that was only because he barged into Bucky's room one night and discovered you two in a situation that made your status pretty obvious. But, he promised to help keep your secret. Especially from Tony.

"I have to go," you whispered after a few minutes.

Bucky frowned and put you down gently, placing a hand on your cheek. "I wish you didn't have to."

"So do I," you ran your hand through his hair fondly. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too," he hugged you tightly and kissed your hair.

"Cap," you called, saluting in Steve's direction as you walked towards the elevator. "You boys watch out for each other!"

They laughed as you entered the elevator. Just as the doors were about to close, something stopped them. You looked up and saw Bucky standing there, his metal arm in the door. He pried them open and rushed over to you, kissing you yet again.

"I love you, Y/N," he muttered.

"I love you too, Buck," you smiled, your heart bursting.

"Be careful," he said, backing away. "I need you to come back."

"You be careful, too," you responded. "Don't do anything stupid without me!"

"Y/N, I wouldn't dare."

The doors closed, and you felt at peace with your life. What would come on the day of your return to New York wasn't even on your radar. Turns out you should have warned someone else to not do something stupid.

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