Clint- Cover Me

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"This is just perfect," you grumbled, "We get assigned a dead end mission the one night this week we had plans."

"Hey, it's fine," Clint assured you. "We're almost done here and we'll grab some dinner on the way back to base, alright?"

You smiled over at him softly and glanced back down the hall you were walking down. Fury had frantically called the two of you a couple hours before, demanding that you go check out what was thought to be an operating HYDRA base. But, when you reached the building, it was completely empty. As much as you wanted to leave and go on your date with Clint right then and there, you had to follow protocol and check the entire place. Your gun hang casually at your side as you checked through the last few hallways and Clint's bow hadn't even left his back.

"So I'm thinking Mexican?" He offered as you approached the next corner.

You wrinkled your nose, "How bout Thai?"

Clint shook his head.

"Italian," you both said in unison and dissolved into laughter.

Suddenly, he stopped, and threw his arm out in front of you. He put his finger to his lips, and silently drew bow from his back. A floorboard creaked from somewhere near you, and you rose your gun swiftly. You stepped forward, careful not to make a sound. As you approached the corner, you pressed yourself up against the wall and peeked around the edge.

Immediately, you whipped backwards, as a hail of bullets flew into the wall behind where your head had been.

"Goddammit," Clint muttered, drawing an arrow. "How many?"

"I didn't get a good look," you stuck your gun out and shot a few times around the corner. "At least seven or eight."

Footsteps thundered towards you, and Clint motioned towards the staircase you had passed minutes earlier. You sprinted up it, and found yourself of the building roof. Across the roof, another door opened, and several HYDRA agents spilled out. Clint grabbed your arm and you ducked behind an air conditioning unit as they began firing at you, and he shot an arrow at them quickly before crouching down next to you.

"How do you want to do this?" You asked, popping up and firing at them before getting back down. "I decided last time."

Clint fired an explosive tipped arrow and you both covered your ears as it went off. "I don't care, quickest way possible."

"You aren't gonna like the quickest way possible."

"Why won't I like the-" he stopped when he realized the answer to his question. "Y/N! Don't you dare!"

"Cover me!" You yelled, and ran out from behind the unit.

You ran across the roof as fast as you could, shooting at the agents across from you. You never missed; each bullet did what it was supposed to. As you ducked behind another unit to reload, you saw there were only four left, and Clint was close to taking down three. You aimed at the last one as Clint hit the rest and turned to you. Right as you pulled the trigger, he screamed your name, and you jerked your head to the left.

A searing pain shot through your arm, and you dropped your gun in shock. You had hit your target in the leg, and he was unconscious on the ground. What you had failed to notice was the last HYDRA agent sneaking up behind you. As you felt yourself fall back slightly, your eyes landed on the body with an arrow sticking out of its chest.

Clint sprinted over to you and crouched by you instantly, his face plastered with worry. "Holy shit, Y/N."

You reached over to your arm and looked down at the wound that had appeared. You shook your head and smiled softly at Clint. "It grazed me."

"Don't you ever do anything that stupid again, babe," he muttered, kissing your hair and helping you walk towards the door. "I'm okay with us missing dinner because of work. Not because your ass is in the emergency room."

Just an FYI, updates are going to be a little rarer this week and next because the semester is ending at school *shudders*. So I'll be doing hours of homework and won't have much free time. But when I'm on Christmas break I'll be sure to write a ton!! Thanks guys ilysm

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