Pietro- Fast Enough

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Requested by gothcami. Enjoy!!

Pietro is the fasted man alive. Everyone who's ever encountered him knows it. He'd always been able to save the day because of his speed. He'd always been able to get to the epicenter of danger just in time and prevent disaster. His record was practically immaculate.

Except for one time; one time that Pietro preferred not to think about. One time that came close to ruining his life.

Y/N was recruited and placed on the team young; much younger than normal.

Pietro felt drawn to her almost immediately. Not only was she close in age to him, she was hilarious, she was fiery, she was stunning. The two became very close, very quickly, and soon became inseparable. Pietro was head over heels in love with Y/N from day one, and she soon realized she felt the same.

They'd been together officially for a few months when the accident happened. The last time he saw her they argued.

"There's no need for you to go."

"It's my assignment, Pietro. I have to do my job."

"I'll do it," he protested, standing in front of Y/N as she tried to leave the room. "It's too dangerous, I'll go instead."

"I don't need you fighting my battles," she snapped, "I can take care of myself."

"You don't need to risk your life when I can go in and get the job done quicker and safer!"

"Why, because you have powers and I don't?" She asked harshly, pushing his hands off of her arms. "I'm perfectly capable, and I'm doing it."

Y/N pushed past him and walked out of her room and towards the elevators of Stark Tower, headed out for her mission.

"I love you," he muttered quietly as she disappeared from view.

Pietro left the room and went to his own, trying to distract himself from the nagging thoughts in his head about Y/N. But after a little over an hour later, he couldn't ignore them anymore. He put his own suit and shoes on and left the tower, immediately running to the building that he knew Y/N was staking out.

The building was a large warehouse in a not-so-great part of town, and when he entered he instantly had a bad feeling.

"Y/N?" He hissed quietly, walking around slowly, searching for any sign of her. "Y/N, where are you?"

There was a noise from behind him and he whipped around, but there was nothing there. Suddenly, a blood curdling shriek ripped through the air, and Pietro instantly felt sick to his stomach.


He began running faster than he had in his entire life, but there were too many rooms. The screams persisted, each seeming to come from a different direction.


"Y/N!!" He roared, flying past room after room. "Y/N, I'm coming!"

"Help, please, help me, I-"


Pietro ran into the last room of the warehouse, and in less than ten seconds, had killed the three HYDRA men surrounding Y/N. She laid in the middle of the room, staring blankly at the ceiling as blood poured out of the wounds on her abdomen.

"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Pietro yelled, rushing to Y/N's side and pulling her into his lap.

He took off his jacket and pressed it against her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding. Y/N looked up at Pietro as he tied the jacket around her waist, her breathing shallow and ragged.

"Hold on, okay my love?" He said quickly. "Please, just hold on."

Y/N coughed as her eyes fluttered closed, and a small trickle of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth down her chin.

"No, Y/N, wake up! Wake up!" He cried, shaking her slightly. "Y/N!"

She laid in his arms totally limp, and he knew she was gone. But, he wouldn't accept it.

"Y/N, please, come back!" His accent thicker through the tears. "Please."

He sat there for a few moments as he held her close to his chest. After a moment, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, hitting a number on his speed dial before pressing the phone to his ear.

"Pietro?" Steve answered quickly. "What's up, where are you?"

"Bring an extraction team," he said numbly, staring down at Y/N. "I need an extraction team now."

"Pietro, what's going on?" 

"She's gone, hurry, she's gone," he said hollowly.

He hung up and dropped the phone, his eyes trailing back to Y/N. Pietro's shoulders slumped, and he began to sob. For once, he hadn't been fast enough.

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