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The pale boy curled up in a ball, his black tail wrapped around his waist as he shivered from the cold of the basement he was living in. The only light source was a single light bulb in the middle of the cold room, but it wasn't turned on often, the hybrid boy used to the darkness now. He heard the door creak open and he looked up, a paper plate with tuna straight from the can on it. "There's your fucking food you freak!" Master spat before slamming the door once again, Michael slowly sat up and ate the food, thankful he didn't get beaten and was getting somewhat of a decent thing to eat.

It's been 4 years since Master had bought the poor boy off the hybrid market. 4 years of whipping, punching, kicking, and beating the innocent boy to no end. Michael didn't expect good treatment, but he didn't necessarily expect this bad of treatment either. He expected someone who kinda cared, someone who gave him 2 or 3 meals a day and someone who actually bathed him instead of taking him out to the backyard and hosing him off with ice cold water, someone who gave him warm clothing instead of leaving him in a ripped up white tank top and boxers.

Michael pushed the now empty plate away, laying back down on the cement floor and curling into a ball. His belly was still growling as the small can of bland tuna wasn't enough to fill his poor tummy, but he knew he wasn't gonna get any more for the rest of the day, well if he was lucky maybe he would get some bread or something, or get something to drink besides water from a rusty spigget. Michael heard the door creak open and he looked up, whimpering as he saw Master walk towards him with a belt and he pulled Michael up by his hair, making him yelp. "Shut up!" Master snarled as he pushed Michael against the wall, ripping his white tank top in 2 pieces. Michael's breathing quickened as he knew what was about to happen and he yelped when the leather belt smacked against his already scarred skin, "I told you to shut up!" Master spat as he yanked Michael's hair, making the pale boy scrunch his face up and he felt blood trickling down his back as the belt came in contact with his skin again. By the fifth smack, Michael started to feel dizzy and he didn't know if it was from pain or what, but he surely didn't feel too well. He was pushed to the floor and he groaned, the room spinning around him and he rolled onto his side, curling into a ball as Master left the room. Michael sniffled, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand and he shut his eyes, using the ripped pieces of his tank top as a pillow before he fell asleep.

Michael woke up and sat up, hearing the door creak open and he curled back into a ball, but he didn't see Master, instead he saw a boy with short curly hair holding a plate with what looked like chicken on it. The boy walked over and kneeled in front of Michael, making the hybrid whimper in fear, "I won't hurt you. Don't worry." He cooed as he put his hand out to pet the pale boy's ear, making Michael purr. "I'm Ashton." He whispered, "I Michael." Michael smiled and Ashton giggled at the boy, "I brought you this." Ashton smiled as he put the plate of fried chicken in front of Michael and it didn't surprise him that the skinny hybrid devoured it, probably starving. The curly haired lad wiped off Michael's greasy hands and his face, pressing a kiss to his nose and making Michael giggle. "Michael love Ashy." Michael mumbled as cuddled into Ashton, "I love you too Mikey. But we have to be quiet so my dad doesn't hear us okay?" He whispered and Michael nodded, still hugging the boy that he was gonna call his best friend.

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