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"Can I hold her Mikey?" Harry asked after Michael burped Ashton, the hybrid nodded and gently laid her in Harry's arm. "She has your eyes Mikey." Harry smiled and Michael giggled. Harry had recently moved in with them, Luke and him were moving pretty quickly considering they were only dating for about 6 months, but Michael and Calum knew they were in love. Michael even walked in on Luke and Harry discussing marriage and children already, making Michael squeal and then tell Calum about it.

Michael sat down next to Calum and put his hand on his belly, "Mikey miss having baby in tummy." Michael whispered to Calum, "You do huh?" Calum smiled and patted Michael's pudgy tummy, a giggle coming from the hybrid. "Harry should have a baby in his tummy." Michael giggled and Harry blushed as he heard the hybird, "I can try to make that happen." Luke mumbled and Michael looked up, smiling. "A baby?" Harry smiled, "I think we should have one of our own, I mean I'm head over fucking heels for you." Luke smiled, "Lukey no swear." Michael scolded and Luke giggled. "I saw yes to a baby." Harry smiled and Michael squealed, "Harry gonna have baby!" He cheered and they all giggled, except for Ashton who woke up and started wailing, Michael immediately cuddling her and rocking her back to sleep.

Tiny chapter oops

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