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"MOVE IT!" A tall black haired man shouted as he pushed Michael onto the platform, making the hybrid whimper. The pale boy's wrist were cuffed together, he was wearing a pair of gray boxers and white tank top that went to his mid-thigh, it hanging loose on his thin body. "Male cat hybrid, 5'2, 160 pounds. The bidding starts at $50! Anyone for $50?!" The man called to the crowd. The dyed haired boy hung his head down, only for the woman next to him to yank it back up and forcing him to look at the crowd. "How could they bid on such a freak like you?" She sneered in his ear, making him blink back tears. "SOLD FOR $1,000!" The man shouted and Michael gulped.

He didn't want to be sold, he didn't want a stranger to take him home and do god knows what to him. For all he knows the man could be a fucking serial killer or something, or if he's lucky a somewhat decent man that won't beat him to no end. But, no such luck exists in this boy's life as the tall man walks up onto the platform.

The man towered over Michael, he had grey eyes that were filled with pure hatred, he was pale and had dark black hair. He paid the man and pulled Michael off the platform, shoving him into the trunk of his car before driving away. The car stopped and Michael's vision was flooded with bright sunlight, making him squint and he was pulled by his hair into the house, he was shoved into a wall and he cried out in pain. "Listen here slut. I'm in charge around here, you can only call me Master and you will never ask for anything! Got it?!" He spat and Michael nodded, "Speak!" He growled and stomped on Michael's foot, "Y-yes M-Master." Michael whimpered and Master uncuffed him, taking him into a cold room and pushed him onto the floor, "Don't come crying to me!" He snarled before slamming and locking the door. Michael curled up into a ball and sobbed his heart out, crying himself to sleep.

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