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"GO AWAY!" Calum shouted at Tyler, making Michael whimper. "I came here to talk to Luke." The boy snapped, "I don't care!" Calum shot back, "Cally." Michael whispered as he put his small hand on his boyfriend's arm and Michael turned to Tyler. "You hurt Mikey." He scolded and crossed his arms over his chest, "I know I did." Tyler sighed, "Can I just talk to Luke?" He asked and Michael motioned for him to follow him, making Calum gape at them as they went upstairs.

Tyler pulled Michael to the hybrid's room, Michael scared a bit but he was standing his ground. "I need to talk to you." He mumbled and Michael nodded, "I know you had my baby." He stated and Michael shook his head, "Mikey and Cally have baby girl." Michael clarified. "It's my baby." Tyler scolded, "No." Michael scolded, "Ashton is Mikey and Cally baby." The hybrid protested. "Ashton? I thought you had a daughter." Tyler scoffed, "Ashy is a girl!" Michael shouted, furious with the now blue haired teen.

"Okay, I just came here to see you." Tyler sighed, "Why? Mikey have Cally and Lukey and Ashy. Mikey don't need to see you." Michael asked, "I came to see my baby." Tyler scolded for the final time, making Michael blow up.

"ASHTON IS NOT YOUR BABY!" Michael screamed and that caused 2 things, Ashton to start crying and for Calum to rush into the room, Luke going to calm Ashton down. "Mikey, baby what's wrong?" Calum asked, "He trying to take Ashy away." Michael grumbled, "You not Ashy daddy!" Michael snapped and Calum's face fell, "Mikey." Calum mumbled and Michael looked at him, then started shaking his head before running out of the room, Calum then forcing Tyler out before going to the nursery and seeing Michael just staring at his sleeping daughter.

"He not Ashy daddy." Michael whimpered and Calum hugged him, "Baby, I know it's hard to understand but that awful thing Tyler did to you is how Ashton got in your tummy in the first place." Calum tried to explained, "H-h-how?" Michael squeaked, now crying. "I'll teach you later okay? I know I'm not Ashton's real father, but I want to act like I am." Calum smiled and Michael nodded, sniffling.

"Cally?" Michael asked and Calum looked up, "Lukey and boy talking downstairs." Michael mumbled and Calum got up from the bed, then the hybrid leading Calum to the staircase and pointing down to the living room, where Luke and a curly brown haired boy were talking. "He gonna take Mikey and Ashy away?" Michael whimpered and Calum shook his head, "He's on a date Mikey." He cooed and the hybrid's face lit up, "Lukey has boyfriend." Michael giggled, then he gasped a bit. "Maybe they gonna have baby too." He squealed and Calum giggled, then taking Michael back to bed.

Short but oh whale

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