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"Callyyyyyyyyy?" Michael called from the couch, fiddling with his sweater paws and Calum walked in, "What do you need sunshine?" Calum asked and the hybrid boy rubbed his 7 month bump, "Can you make Mikey some mac and cheese?" He asked, giving Calum puppy eyes and the tan boy chuckled, "Sure kitten." He smiled and kissed his forehead, but as he started walking off, Michael grabbed his hand. "Mikey wanna be with Cally." The hybrid pouted and Calum helped him stand, walking with him to the kitchen and Michael rested his head on Calum's shoulder, "Where Lukey?" Michael asked as he rubbed his tummy, "He's doing something upstairs kitten." Calum smiled, kissing Michael's cheek before handing him a a bowl of mac and cheese, "Thank you Cally." The pink haired boy smiled and kissed him, then sitting down and eating his mac and cheese, "Oh! Mikey have to show Cally something!" Michael beamed suddenly, then jolting up and rushing into their bedroom, going into his nightstand drawer and pulling out his most recent sonogram photo that he hadn't shown Calum yet, he went downstairs and showed Calum. "Blueberry getting big!" Michael exclaimed as he held up the picture, making the tan boy's face light up and the pregnant boy giggle. "We're gonna see Troye again tommorow right?" Calum smiled and Michael nodded, Calum bent down and lifted Michael's sweater up, kissing the pink stretch marks on his pale skin. "So pretty." Calum smiled and Michael blushed, the hybrid hiding his face behind his sweater paws and Calum kissed up his tummy and chest, moving his hands and connecting their lips, feeling Michael smile into the kiss and his tail swishing around behind him.

Calum pulled away and caressed the hybrid's cheek, looking into his shiny emerald green eyes and thankful the sparkle was in them. Calum was head over heels for the hybrid and it was really obvious, the way Calum's eyes would light up whenever he saw Michael, or whenever he would smile whenever the pregnant boy did, they adored each other and everyone saw it, whether they liked it or not.

Luke walked downstairs, with hot pink and white paint on his Harley Davidson tank top and black basketball shorts. "Why does Lukey have colors on his clothes?" Michael asked as he turned around, Calum hugging him from behind and resting his head on his shoulder. "I'm just painting something kitten." Luke smiled, "Mikey wanna see!" Michael exclaimed and Luke froze. "You can't kitten, it's not done yet." Calum cooed, "But, Mikey wanna see!" Michael whined, "You'll see it when it's done okay?" Calum cooed and Michael huffed, "Fine." He sighed and snuggled into Calum's chest.

Sorry that it's so short

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