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Michael walked into the kitchen, sitting next to Harry, Luke's boyfriend, and Harry showed Michael the writing on the sheet of paper. Harry was a teacher, he was only 22 as he was still quite young for the job, but had a high enough IQ to graduate and earn his degree at 18. He knew Michael was poor with grammar and basically all the subjects in general, but the British lad would only teach him English for now, the only thing he needed as of now. Michael was trying to learn the language, but the writing on the paper and the grammar was making his head spin in confusion, leading to frustration. "Mikey can't do stupid English!" Michael cried as he lightly slammed his fist on the table, tugging at his now galaxy colored hair. "Hey Mikey, calm down okay? You can do this, it'll just take a bit kitten." Harry cooed as he scratched his kitten ears, purrs emitting from the back of his throat. "Mikey sorry Hazza." Michael apologized, having given the older boy that nickname and Harry loved it. "It's perfectly fine kitten, we can do more later okay? You look pretty tired." He cooed and Michael nodded, standing up and hugging him gently before going upstairs and laying in bed.

Michael walked around Ashton's nursery, trying to calm his wailing daughter down, not knowing why she was crying. "C'mon baby girl, calm down for Mummy." Michael pouted as he bounced her, rubbing her back. Calum walked in and saw Michael close to crying himself, Calum walked over and picked up Ashton from Michael's arms, bouncing her in his arms and she calmed down, then Michael rushed out of the room and went into his room, Calum laid the now sleeping baby in her crib and went to Michael, seeing him sniffling and crying in bed. "Ashy no love her m-mummy." Michael sniffled and Calum sat next to him, "Mikey had Ashy in tummy for long times and-and she no love him no more." Michael cried and Calum pulled him onto his lap, "Kitten, she loves you so much." He cooed, "B-But, she cry when Mikey hold her." Michael sniffled, "She's just a cranky baby, all babies cry." Calum cooed and Michael sniffled. "She loves you Mikey." He cooed, "Promise?" Michael asked as he held out his pinkie, interlocking it with Calum's pinkie. "I promise."

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