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Michael laid in bed, not able to sleep due to his sore back. He had been getting the back and feet pains recently as he was now around 5 months into the pregnancy, his belly was starting to get in the way of things and it was really frustrating him, even though he loved that the baby was growing he would wanna be able to do stuff that he used to but not anymore.

"Mikey, why are you still awake?" Calum cooed as he saw his hybrid boyfriend still wide awake, "Mikey sore." Michael mumbled, whining a bit. "What's sore baby?" Calum cooed and Michael pointed to his back, Calum scooted closer to Michael, sitting up and pulling him closer so his head was in his lap. He started massaging Michael's shoulders, knowing that was what really hurt him the most, the pregnant boy closed his eyes and put his hands on his belly, rubbing it through the fabric of his sleep shirt. "Feel good kitten?" Calum cooed and Michael nodded, smiling a little as he fell asleep.

Michael woke up and heard someone coughing, he got up and walked downstairs, seeing Calum bundled up in a blanket and his nose a slight red tint. "C-Cally?" Michael asked as he walked over, "Mikey, go back upstairs. I'm sick." Calum sniffled. "No, Mikey take cares of you." Michael mumbled as he plopped next to Calum, cuddling up to him and kissing his cheek. "Kitten, you'll get sick and the baby might get sick too." Calum mumbled and Michael shrugged, "Mikey don't care, wanna make Cally feel better." Michael smiled as he played with Calum's hair, their eyes focusing on the TV screen.

This was just a little filler, I'll add more later because I'm running out of ideas lol

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