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"That's a baby"

"B-baby?" Calum stammered, in disbelief. "Yes, a baby. Michael was born with a female reproduction system, thus being capable of carrying and giving birth to a child." Troye explained, looking down at the pink haired hybrid who was staring intently at the sonogram screen.

"Blueberry." Michael mumbled and they all looked at him strangely. "What kitten?" Luke asked and Michael pointed at the screen, "Baby look like blueberry." He stated. "Cally gave Mikey yummy pancakes and it had blueberries on top. Baby look like blueberry." Michael explained a little and Calum smiled, but then he realized who's baby it was.

"I'll be right back." Calum rushed out before leaving the room quickly and Luke followed, knowing what was about to happen and he found Calum punching a wall, his knuckles already bleeding. "Motherfucker!" Calum cursed as he punched the wall one last time before sliding down it, crying into his knees and Luke bent down next to him, "Calum, relax." Luke cooed and Calum jumped up.

"How the fuck can I relax when my boyfriend was raped by one of your so called friends and is now pregnant with his baby?!" Calum snapped, clenching his fists and Luke had no words. "That's right! I can't! He's gonna be in pain for 9 months as he carries a bastard child!" Calum cried and then started sobbing again, Luke pulled him in for a hug and Calum cried into his shoulder. "It's okay, he's gonna be okay." Luke cooed and rubbed his back, calming him down and he pulled away, wiping his tears and smiling.

"Mikey needs to see a smile on this face." Luke cooed and Calum smiled a little, getting rid of the tear tracks on his tan cheeks before they went back into the room, seeing Michael sitting up and looking at the sonogram screen, listening to the recorded heartbeat. Calum walked over and sat next to Michael, "Troye said that Mikey has a baby in his tummy." Michael smiled and put a hand on his tiny tummy, "And as the baby gets bigger, so will Mikey's belly." He giggled and Calum smiled. "Michael, I'm gonna warn you though, when the baby is ready to come out, it's gonna hurt." Calum cooed, "Hurt?" Michael asked. "Yeah, it'll be like a bad tummyache." Calum explained, "But, then we have a baby." Michael smiled. "We?" Calum asked and Michael nodded, "This is Cally's baby too. Mikey and Cally gonna share baby. It their baby." Michael explained and Calum smiled so wide his cheeks hurt.

"Okay, Michael. I'm gonna explain how this is gonna go." Troye began as he walked infront of the hybrid. "As the baby grows, so will you, you'll gain weight but it's healthy for the baby. So, if you start gaining weight and your worried, it's just for the baby." Troye smiled and Michael couldn't keep his hands off his tummy. "You'll feel sick for a couple months, I can't give you a specific amount of time because morning sickness can last to even the 8th month of pregnancy." The Aussie lad smiled, "Michael, you'll get weird cravings. Like, pickles and I've seen a lot of fish cravings for hybrids." Calum nodded along to Troye's words, wanting to know the best for Michael and wanting his pregnancy to be as easy as possible. "Cally said that when baby wanna come out, the baby gonna give Mikey a tummyache." Michael mumbled, "Yes, the baby will give you these cramps in the early stages of pregnancy and when the baby is ready to come, you'll have these bad cramps called contractions. They'll hurt pretty bad, just so you know." Troye warned, "But, then Mikey and Cally have baby right?" Michael asked with wide eyes. "Most likely." Troye smiled and Michael tilted his head in confusion, wasn't he gonna have a baby?

"There are higher possibilities of miscarriage since he is male, so the baby may die before it comes out Michael." Troye explained and Michael gasped, his eyes going wide and he put his hand to his mouth. "No, Mikey want baby." Michael frowned, "You might not get the baby Michael." Troye cooed and Michael pouted, "I can't control life or death, although I wish I could." Troye mumbled. "But, if baby be okay, Mikey and Cally get baby right?" Michael asked and Calum nodded, earning a little cheer from the hybrid.

"Michael, you can't drink alchol or smoke while pregnant okay? I know you haven't done either of those before, I'm just letting you know." Troye warned after Michael got back into his normal clothes. The hybrid nodded and then made grabby hands at Calum, getting picked up and carried to the limo, Michael snuggled into Calum's chest when they went inside and Michael grabbed Calum's hand, putting it on his belly.

"What are you doing kitten?"

"Mikey want you to feel baby too."

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