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Michael can't get him out of his head. The boy he fell in love with, the boy who he gave his first kiss too, the boy that kept him alive. The boy that was now dead because of him. To say the hybrid boy was sad was an understatement, he was depressed and miserable.

Michael barely ate the little amount of food he was given, resulting in major weight loss, he barely slept anymore, he cried most of the time, and when he got beaten, he didn't mind, he felt as if he deserved for letting Ashton die.

The pale boy was laying on the cold basement floor, wearing one of Ashton's old sweaters that still smelled like him and that still made Michael tear up. The sweater was beyond baggy, it was like a dress on him, Ashton was already much taller than Michael, but because of the extreme weight loss, it was even bigger on him. Master was obviously disgusted by Mikey, he looked like a skeleton at this point and his body was littered with scars and bruises.

Michael's black kitten ears perked up as he heard the door open, a paper plate with a rather large amount of bland tuna on it slid into his view and he sat up, his belly growled at the smell of the fish and his mouth watered, knowing his body needed it. Michael crawled over to the food and slowly ate it all, feeling extremely full since he hadn't eaten that much in such a long time. He lifted the sweater and saw his tummy was slightly sticking out from being so full, so he rubbed it a bit as he laid back down and slowly fell asleep as he rubbed his bloated belly.

Michael woke up and Master walked inside, but instead of holding a belt he was holding a chain link with handcuffs and a neckcuff. He stood Michael up and cuffed his wrists and neck, the green eyed boy letting out a whimper. "Wh-what is M-Master doing?" Michael whispered as he was lead out of the house, "I'm gonna sell you and get all this money off your fat little ass." Master spat as he sat Michael in the back of a car and Michael's eyes widened. "No! No! Mikey can't leave Ashy! No! No!" He cried as he thrashed around, earning a slap to the face. "Shut up freak! Ashton's gone okay?! He left!" Master spat and Michael whimpered, sniffling as tears threatened to spill. "Don't you dare cry." Master scolded, watching Michael closely as he held his chin with his hand, "I better not see you letting out tears." He scolded and Michael nodded, sniffling and holding back his tears, then laying down in the backseat and being taken to the nearest auction for selling.

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