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(Malum cuddling on top / side (fake)

Michael heard Harry and Luke walk through the door as they came home from the doctors, the hybrid immediately jumped and went over to Harry, but his smile faded as he saw Harry's sad expression. "Why Hazza sad?" Michael frowned, "I can't have a baby in my tummy Michael." Harry frowned and Michael almost burst into tears, "N-no, baby for Harry and Lukey?" Michael whinpered, "Well, we can do one thing." Luke mumbled.
"What is it?" Calum asked as they all sat down and Michael plopped himself down on Calum's lap, "Well, um Troye suggested that we do surrogacy." Luke mumbled. "What is sergusy?" Michael asked, earning a giggle from his friends. "It's when Troye takes stuff from Harry's tummy and stuff from Luke's....thingy and puts it in someone's tummy so the baby can grow." Luke explained and Michael nodded. "We just need someone's tummy for the baby to grow in." Harry muttered, "You can use Mikey's tummy." Michael smiled proudly, shocking everyone.

"Michael, are you sure? You'll be carrying someone else's baby, you don't get to keep the baby." Calum cooed, "Mikey sure, wanna grow Hazza and Luke's baby in his tummy."

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