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Michael woke up and didn't feel too good, feeling last night's dinner rush up his throat and he jumped up, running to the bathroom and vomiting into the toilet. "C-Cally!" Michael cried, gagging roughly as he spilled his guts into the ceramic basin below. Calum rushed in, seeing the hybrid boy sobbing as he rested his head on the toilet, "Mikey no feel good." Michael whimpered as he hugged his tummy and Calum walked over, rubbing his back and playing his soft pink hair. "You done bub?" Calum asked and Michael weakly nodded, flushing the toilet and snuggling into Calum's bare chest.

"Mikey tummy hurt." Michael whimpered as a bad pain went through his tummy, Calum frowned and put his hand on his forehead, trying to find a fever but not getting anything. "Let's take you back to bed." Calum cooed as he stood up and carried Michael back to bed, laying him down and Michael fell asleep when his head hit the pillow, making Calum giggle before leaving his boyfriend to sleep in peace.

Michael had been acting kinda strange the past few days, like he was really tired all the time, he'd be kinda snappy too, like he blew up at Luke the other day about nothing, then started crying and apoligizing profusely to him.

"You think he's okay Luke?" Calum asked as he started making breakfast, Luke sitting at the kitchen table. "It's probably just another bug. He gets sick a lot the poor thing." Luke mumbled, which was true. Mikey was sick often and it was never a cold, always a bad tummy bug or flu. "He's just been acting diffrent lately. Ever since....Tyler." Calum grimaced at the mention of his name, hating the teenager with a burning passion.

"CALLY!" Michael screeched and Calum rushed upstairs, Luke following and Calum ran over to a sobbing and horrified Michael. "Princess, what's the matter?" Calum asked and Michael moved the covers, showing he had blood leaking from his lower half. "Bl-blood." He whimpered and Calum's eyes blew wide. "Hospital, now." Luke rushed out and Calum picked Michael up, carrying him downstairs and Luke taking him to the hospital in the limo.

"Mikey dying?" Michael whimpered as he laid on a chair / bed thingy in an ugly hospital gown, holding the tan boy's hand. "No, Mikey you're gonna be okay. I promise." Calum cooed as he kissed his pale knuckles, a male nurse walked in and Michael gulped, scared. "Don't worry kitten." Calum cooed as the brown haired boy walked over.

The nurse had short brown hair on his head, icy blue eyes like Luke and that made Michael smile, his skin was kinda tan and Michael smiled as it reminded him of Calum.

"Hello Michael, I'm Troye." He spoke with a mild Aussie accent and Michael smiled at him, "I promise everything will be okay, I'm just gonna put this gel on your tummy and we're gonna look around inside of it okay?" Troye cooed and Michael nodded. Troye unbuttoned Michael's hospital gown, exposing his pale tummy. He rubbed some of the cool gel on Michael's belly and moved a remote on it, a small white flicker appearing on a screen. "What in Mikey's tummy?" Michael asked as he pointed to the screen, Calum and Luke both looked at each other, thinking what the saw wasn't real.

"That's a baby Michael."

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