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Michael laid in bed, still recovering from his awful tummy bug, Luke had ordered for him to take it easy although Michael was being rather stubborn about staying put. Luke walked into the kitchen and saw Michael doing the dishes, sighing he walked over to the hybrid and wrapped his arms around his waist, making the pale boy jump a little. "Kitten, you have to rest." Luke cooed as he turned Michael around, "But, Michael bored." Michael pouted and Luke sighed again. "S-sorry Lukey, Michael bad kitty." Michael whimpered and tears came into his eyes, "Oh no, Mikey you're not a bad kitty." Luke cooed and Michael sniffled, looking up at Luke. "You just need to relax kitten. You were ill and you still are." Luke cooed, "Mikey not bad kitty?" Michael asked as Luke walked him back upstairs and laid him down, "Of course not. You're just a little bored is all." Luke smiled as he sat next to the sick boy who was curled up in a ball.

"Why Lukey buy Mikey?" Michael asked randomly, taking Luke by surprise. "What do you mean kitten?" Luke asked, "Why Mikey?" He asked and the blonde bit his lip in thought. "Well, because I knew you were special. I knew you were diffrent from the rest with your seaweed hair and your dull green eyes that I still want to bring the shine back into." Luke smiled and Michael blushed, hiding his face in the covers and smiling like an idiot, "Lukey still promise?" Michael asked as he looked up at the boy and resting his fluffy head on his knee. "Of course I still promise." Luke cooed, "I mean it when I say I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you when you are with me. I promise that Mikey." Luke cooed.

"You wanna do what Michael?" Calum asked as the 2 had gone out into town to buy Luke some supplies. "Mikey wanna dye hair!" Michael exclaimed as he pointed to his head, his tail swishing around behind him and he yelped when someone stepped on it, purposely. His black tail wrapped around his waist and he looked at Calum with puppy eyes, "Okay, c'mon kitten." The tan boy giggled and grabbed Michael's hand, walking into a beauty shop and Michael scurried to the back, Calum chuckled and followed him, seeing him looking through the hair hair dye bottles. "What color do you want beautiful?" Calum asked and Michael blushed as he shrugged, being over a bit and you could see the little rolls his belly formed, making Calum smile wider.

The hybrid had been with them for only a month or so and he had already gotten a good amount of pudge on him. He was basically a skeleton when he arrived, now he was a cuddle kitty with a soft little belly and Calum always found himself with his arms around his soft waist.

"Why Cally staring at Mikey?" Michael asked, making Calum snap out of his thoughts. "Sorry kitten, I was just looking how pretty you are." Calum smiled and Michael blushed again, pulling his trench coat over his bright red face. "Stop it." Michael giggled, "Why? You're a cutie." Calum smiled and Michael blushed harder, then they heard someone scoff at them and Michael turned around, seeing a boy with short brown hair styled into a quiff. "Can I help you?" Calum asked, "Yeah, stop being fags." He scoffed and Michael whimpered, "And take these off." He grimaced as he flicked Michael's kitten ear. "Ow!" Michael pouted and he kicked the boy in the shin, "Excuse you?!" The boy snapped and Michael gulped, realizing that the boy was a foot taller than him. "You don't have the right to lay a finger on me! With your mutant cat ears and tail!" He screamed and Michael started to tremble, "M-Mikey s-sorry." Michael whimpered. "And learn how to speak proper English freak!" He shouted and Michael ran out of the store, sobbing. Calum slapped the boy, "Don't you ever talk to my friend like that!" He screamed as he pushed the boy to the floor, punching him right in the nose before leaving the store and finding Michael sitting on the curb, sobbing into his hands. Calum sat next to Michael and pulled him into his lap, "M-Mikey f-freak." Michael sobbed into Calum's chest. "Oh no kitten, no." Calum cooed and wiped Michael's tears, "B-But, Mikey have k-kitty e-ears and t-tail!" Michael exclaimed as he tugged on his tail, balling his fists. Calum stood up and carried Michael home, letting the boy sob into his chest the whole time and when Luke saw them, he didn't say a word and let the two go upstairs into Michael's white walled room. "Okay Michael, let me tell you something kitten." Calum sighed as he sat the boy on the edge of his bed, the green eyed boy looking up at him sadly. Calum sighed and kneeled down at his feet, gently taking off Michael's coat and holding his scarred arms.

"It doesn't matter if you have kitten ears or a tail. Just because some people are complete assholes and don't understand what beauty really is, doesn't mean that you should hate your soft tail and cute little ears." Calum cooed, but Michael still had a frown on his pale face. "Mikey, you are honestly the cutest kitten boy I have ever seen in my life." Calum smiled and Michael blushed, looking down and biting his lip. "And honestly, I don't want to see any other hybrid to know that." Calum smiled and Michael blushed harder, "Mikey not pretty." Michael mumbled and Calum cupped his face. "You're breathtaking Mikey." He smiled and Michael bit his lip, still blushing like mad. "No he-" Michael began, cut off by Calum's lips on his and he kissed back, Calum now hovering over Michael on his bed.

Malum has now started, you're welcome

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