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Michael woke up with a groan, feeling like shit. The pale boy's brain felt like mush, his right ear and side was stinging from the cuts he had gotten the day before, his tummy was twisting and aching, his limbs felt heavy and sore, his throat was sore, and his vision was kinda foggy. He heard the door creak open and he whimpered, the noise hurting his head and then he heard footsteps coming towards him, hoping that it was Ashton and when he felt fingers run through his hair, he knew it was the Aussie lad. Ashton bent down next to Michael and pulled him into his lap, "Mikey sick." Michael croaked and let out a weak cough, making the dirty blonde boy pull him closer and kiss his fiery forehead. "You hungry kitty?" Ashton asked and Michael shrugged, the curly haired lad put a piece of buttery toast to the hybrid's lips and he took a small bite, the ill boy feeling his belly clench as he ate it. "No more Ashy." Mikey mumbled as he managed to eat a single piece of toast, the older boy ate the 2nd piece himself and then played with the hybrid's sweat damped hair.

Michael's belly rumbled and he whimpered, "Mikey hurt." He pouted and Ashton started rubbing his sore stomach with his free hand. "H-hurts." Michael whimpered as he began crying into Ashton's chest, "Shhh, Mikey it's okay, shhhhhhh." The curly haired lad cooed as he gently rocked the hybrid boy, not knowing it would only worsen his tummyache and cause the small amount of food he had to jump up his throat. Michael quickly turned his head and vomit spewed out of his mouth, the pale boy coughing up more of the vile substance. "Get it all up Mikey." Ashton cooed as he sat Michael up on his knees, the green eyed boy sobbing in pain as he continued bringing up whatever he had in his poor tummy. "Mikey belly hurts Ashy." Michael whimpered as he collapsed into Ashton's lap, "I know kitten, I know." Ashton cooed as he rubbed Michael's tummy. "Ashy fix it?" Michael frowned as he gave his curly haired friend the best puppy eyes he could muster, "Mikey, I can't. I'm sorry." He frowned and Michael whined.

Ashton wish he could do more for the hybrid instead of come down into the basement when his father was asleep or out and bring the kitten boy the food he needed. The curly haired lad knew he was doing the right thing for the pale boy, knowing that just because he had cat ears and a tail didn't make him a "freak", they made him fucking adorable is what they made him. He hated his father, first off he shouldn't treat the poor hybrid so badly because he was a hybrid, but even worse because he was gay. For fucksake, his dad was gay too!

Michael began to stir and his eyes fluttered open, a weak smile spreading on his face when he saw the curly haired lad. "Hi Mikey." He cooed and rubbed Michael's kitten ears, earning a purr from the hybrid boy. "Mikey hurt." Michael frowned, holding his tummy and head, "Where does it hurt kitten?" Ashton asked and Michael pointed all over his body, "Everywhere?" He asked with a slight chuckle and Michael nodded, snuggling into Ashton's chest. "Mikey love Ashy." Michael mumbled as he kissed his cheek, blushing a bit. "I love you too." Ashton cooed and Michael smiled wider than Ashton has ever seen before, then the hybrid fell asleep.

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