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Michael walked up to Calum in the kitchen, the tan boy cooking breakfast and he smiled when feeling Michael's 9 month baby bump touch his back. "Morning Mikey." Luke smiled and Michael smiled back, "Mikey want baby out now." Michael whined, getting tired of being pregnant. "Blueberry will come out soon kitten." Calum cooed as he hugged Mikey, "Mikey want baby out now." Michael repeated as he snuggled into Calum's chest.

Calum and Luke knew very well that Michael just wanted that kid out ASA-fucking-P. The hybrid had been whining about the feet and back pain quite often, he was moving around too much for being so heavily pregnant so the pain was worse, the baby had started kicking him in the ribs and he must say that is not a good feeling at fucking all.

"Go back to bed kitten." Calum cooed and Michael shook his head, "Wanna be with Cally." Michael mumbled, "You need to relax Mikey, the baby can be coming really soon and you're making it harder for you if you keep moving around." Luke cooed and Michael whined, then waddling upstairs after muttering a small "meanies" and Calum snickered at the comment. "He's gotta have that baby soon." Calum mumbled, "I don't know, he's only like 4 days overdue, it could be a couple more days." Luke shrugged, "Let's hope that it's sooner rather than later, I want him to be out of this misery that some dickfuck caused." Calum mumbled, almost whispering the last part.

Calum walked upstairs and saw Michael sleeping peacefully, his arm wrapped around his bump protectively and Calum smiled, laying next to him and holding him close to his chest, kissing his cheek and he scratched his kitten ears, earning a purr from the pale boy as he still slept. "I love you Mikey." Calum whispered and Michael smiled wider in his sleep.

"C-Cally?" Michael whimpered as he walked into the living room and Calum looked up, seeing the pregnant boy with his hands on his tummy and a grimace on his face. "Mikey has tummyache." Michael pouted and Luke's eyes widened a bit, "Babe, can you come here for a minute." Calum cooed and Michael walked over, but stopped when a flush of water came out of him and he whimpered, thinking he peed himself. "Mikey had accident." He blushed and Luke immediately took out his phone to call Troye. "No, Mikey, your water broke. The baby is coming now." Calum explained.

"Blueberry coming?"

"Blueberry is coming"

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