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Michael sat up in his bed, waiting for Troye to get there. "Owie! Owie! Owie!" Michael cried in pain as his first major contraction hit him, making him sob. "Shhhh, Mikey breathe, take deep breaths." Calum cooed as he held his hand, the hybrid beginning to pant through the contraction, "Mikey no like!" He sobbed as it ended and Calum hugged him, "It's okay baby, after this we'll have a baby." Calum cooed and Michael smiled a bit. "Calum, I need your help." Troye called and Calum nodded, "I'll be right back baby boy, I gotta go help Troye." Calum cooed and Michael whimpered, "I'll be quick as possible, I promise princess." The tan boy cooed before leaving the room, Luke walked over and held Michael's hand, "Mikey hurt." Michael sobbed and Luke held him close, trying to calm him down. "M-Mikey w-want C-Cally." The poor boy stammered,  shaking from the sobs, "He's helping Troye for when the baby comes Mikey." Luke cooed and Troye walked in, checking Michael's dilation. "7 centimeters, he's not that far away." He smiled and Michael groaned at a contraction, "OWIE!" He screamed and panted, squeezing. "MIKEY NEED CALLY!" He cried in pain, that making Calum's heart break from the other room, "He's filling up the tub for you Michael." Troye cooed and Michael whimpered.

(Bathroom on top / side)

"M-Mikey wanna get t-to the t-tub." Michael stammered and they helped him stand, Luke having to carry him to the bathroom and Michael made grabby hands at Calum, being placed in Calum's arms and he stood Michael up. "I'm gonna take off your clothes okay Mikey?" Calum smiled and Michael nodded, letting the tan boy undress him and then help him into the ceramic tub, the warm water helping Michael calm down a bit and he sighed a little in relief.

Calum stood behind Michael and played with his hair, the hybrid looking up at Calum as Troye checked his dilation again. "9 centimeters, one more to go." Troye smiled and began to take off his jeans and tshirt as he was gonna have to go into the tub to help with the birth. "Ooh, oh Mikey got tummyache." Michael groaned, squeezing his eyes closed and holding Calum and Luke's hands through the contraction. The urge to push to over for Michael and he started to panic, not knowing why he felt the need to push, but he did what his body told him.

Troye quickly got into the tub in just boxers, putting hands at Michael's opening and Michael screamed in pain, then throwing his head back and panting. "No more." Michael whimpered, the stinging pain of the baby crowning overwhelming his poor body. "Mikey, you have too. You wanna hold Blueberry right?" Calum cooed and Michael nodded, "Then you have to push baby." Calum cooed and Michael groaned, pushing again and tears were running down his sweaty and bright red face.

"Oh my gosh." Troye mumbled and Michael stopped pushing, "Wh-what?" Michael whimpered, "The baby is breached Mikey, I just need you to push harder." He cooed and Michael groaned, shaking his head and his ears flattened to his head. "You wanna see Blueberry right Mikey?" Luke cooed, "Blueberry hurting Mikey!" Michael screamed and more tears streamed down his face. "C'mon Mikey, just a few more." Troye cooed and Michael huffed, pushing harder than before and crying out in pain as he felt the hips slide out. "She's almost here Mikey." Troye cooed, "It's a she?" Calum smiled and Troye nodded, "Oh my god I see a tail Mikey!" Luke exclaimed and Michael stopped pushing.

"T-tail?" Michael smiled, "You have a kitten." Calum cooed and Michael's sweaty face lit up, "Okay, keep pushing Michael." Troye smiled and the pained boy pushed harder, screaming as he felt the baby move further. "One more big push." Troye smiled and Michael pushed, feeling the pain vanish as a loud cry was heard and he panted, smiling as he saw his daughter in Troye's arms. "K-kitty." Michael smiled and Calum walked over, cutting the chord.

"Let's get you out of the tub and into bed kitten." Luke cooed and helped Michael out of the bloody water, drying him off and putting him in panties and a tshirt, "W-wait, Mikey want baby." Michael whined before they left and Troye laid the squirming newborn hybrid in Michael's arms, making the tired boy smile. "What should we name her?" Calum asked and Michael knew exactly what he wanted to name her.


Ashton May Clifford

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