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"Cally, feel Mikey tummy." Michael mumbled as he motioned for Calum to walk over and the tan boy put his hand on Michael's bump, seeing the hybrid boy had a worried look in his eyes. "Baby keep moving." Michael mumbled as he felt the unborn baby suffering from the hiccups in his tummy, "Mikey, the baby just has the hiccups right now. The baby is fine." Calum cooed and Michael let out a sigh of relief, smiling a little. "Feels weird." He giggled as he scrunched up his nose, then the moving stopped and he just kept rubbing his belly.

Troye walked in and Michael opened his arms for a hug, the hybrid had been rather close to the male nurse, like they were brothers in a way. Troye gladly hugged the pregnant boy, making Michael smile wider and Troye pulled away. The pale boy laid down and unbuttoned the gown so the born haired male had access to his round belly, Troye put the gel on Michael's bump and moved the remote around it, the pregnant boy holding Calum's hand as they looked at the screen. "The baby is waving at you Mikey." Troye smiled as he pointed out the baby's hand raised up and Michael's face lit up, "Hi Blueberry!" Michael exclaimed as he waved back, making the two males giggle at the kitten hybrid.

Troye wiped the gel off Michael's bump and he sat up, "So, Mikey, when the baby comes and you have to give birth, you can do it here at the doctors or you can do it right at home so the baby is already there. Either one is okay because I will be at the house when you are ready to have the baby." Troye explained, "Mikey wanna have Blueberry at home." Michael mumbled as he out a hand on his belly, "You sure Mikey?" Troye asked and Michael nodded, smiling. "Okay, also you can have a waterbirth, which is healthy for the baby and you, it will make the birth easier." Troye smiled and Michael nodded, "Mikey wanna do that." The kitten boy smiled and Troye nodded, "So, when he goes into labor, just give me a call." Troye told Calum and he nodded, then Michael changed into normal clothes and they went back home.

When they walked in the door, Luke was standing there with pink, brown, and white paint streaked on his clothes, he took Michael's hand and led him upstairs, Calum following. "Where Lukey talking Mikey?" Michael asked as they stood infront of a white and pink colored door, "Well, when the baby comes, it'll need a place to sleep. So, me and Calum did this." Luke smiled and opened the door, making Michael gasp as he walked inside.

(Nursery on top / side)

It was a nursery that was painted a hot pink color, tree branches with little flowers on them were decorated onto the walls, a white crib with blankets and pillows inside, a rocking chair next to the crib with a little curtain over it, a nightstand next to the crib, a little basket of stuffed toys, a pink changing table, and a small pink chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room.

Michael hugged Luke and Calum as tight as he could, crying a little into their tshirts. "Hey, don't cry kitten. Don't cry." Calum cooed, "I-its so p-pretty." Michael sniffled and Luke chuckled, the hybrid pulled away from the hug and walked around the room, looking at every little detail and he sat down on the rocking chair, rubbing his tummy and then he gasped when he felt a small thump on his belly.

"Mikey, what's wrong?" Calum asked as he and Luke walked over to the worried hybird, the boy only put Calum's hand on his bump, looking at him with worried eyes because he thought the baby was hurt or something, like it was calling for help. "Wh-what wrong with B-Blueberry?" Michael asked as he kept feeling the thumps. "Mikey, nothing is wrong, the baby is kicking." Calum cooed and Michael frowned, "What's wrong?" Luke asked, "B-Blueberry mad at M-Mikey." Michael sniffled. "Oh no, Mikey. Blueberry is saying hello." Calum smiled and Michael's face lit up, "Hi Blueberry!" Michael exclaimed to his belly, rubbing it and giggling each time he felt a kick. "I think they like the nursery." Calum whispered to Luke and the blonde boy chuckled, nodding.

I feel like these entries are getting too short

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