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Michael was pushed onto the platform, whimpering as he was now standing infront of a huge crowd of displeasing people. "Male cat hybrid! Age 18, 5'2, and 120 pounds! Bidding starts at $50! Anyone for $50?!" The man shouted and Michael gulped, scanning the crowd and he saw a blonde boy raise his hand for the bid, Michael began studying the boy.

He didn't look that much older than Michael, a year or 2 maybe, he was obviously bigger in size, weight and height wise, his golden blonde hair flopped to the side, sadly reminding Michael of Ashton in a way. Michael also noticed that the boy had a lip ring that shimmered in the blinding shine of the sun that came in from the windows. "Sold for $12,000!" Michael heard the man shout and his eyes blew wider than the moon, someone wanted to have him that desperately. He was even more shocked when he saw the blonde boy come up to the platform and hand the man the money, but what shocked Michael even more was that the boy didn't yank his chains to get him off the platform. Instead, he gently uncuffed him and gently took his hand, walking him off the platform and out to a black limo.

Michael was expecting to be shoved into the trunk, but instead Luke pulled him into the car and held his hand during the ride. "I'm Luke." The blonde boy smiled and Michael slowly pulled his hand away, "I-I M-Michael." He whispered, trembling from fear. "No need to be scared kitten, I won't hurt you." Luke cooed, "M-Master promise?" Michael asked, "I promise that I and no one will ever hurt you as long as you're with me. And please call me Luke." Luke cooed and Michael nodded, still scared.

They pulled up to a huge mansion and Michael's eyes widened again, he had never seen a place so big and beautiful before. He was used to living in a damn basement for the past 5 years and he lived on the streets when he was a kid, so he's never see such luxury. They got out of the limo and Luke grabbed Michael's hand, leading him inside and somehow Michael's eyes got even wider at the decor. There were wall hangings and paintings on the cream colored walls, tons of furniture that Michael didn't think he would be able to lay a hand on, the kitchen was huge and stocked with tons of food that Michael enjoyed dearly, and then Luke took Michael upstairs. "Mikey, I'm gonna show you your bedroom." Luke cooed, "Mikey has bedroom?" Michael asked, tilting his head in confusion and his left ear drooping the slightest bit, making Luke giggle. "Of course kitten." He cooed and opened the door, the hybrid letting out a gasp.

(His bedroom is on the top/side and I'll be adding stuff to it)

"You like it Mikey?" Luke asked as Michael walked inside, slowly sitting on the bed and he smiled. "Mikey loves it." Michael smiled and Luke took his hand, leading him to the dresser and opened the drawers. A bunch of beautiful skirts, panties, and soft feminine sweaters were neatly folded in each drawer. "Pretty." Michael whispered as he looked at the clothes, then Luke opened the closet with a automatic button on the door and Michael's eyes widened. He saw a closet full of dresses, summer dresses, mini dresses, and formal dresses were delicately hung up in the huge walk in closet as well as shoes lined up along the walls in shelves. Diffrent styles and colors of high heels, slip ons, a couple pairs of slippers, and a few pairs of converse that fit the hybrid boy. "Wait, there's more babe." Luke smiled as he saw the boy in complete awe, he took Michael over to a vanity with drawers of makeup and little shelves of jewelry and bows for the boy.

Michael was at a loss for words at how much the blonde boy had done for him and he's only said 10 words to Luke. "You okay kitten?" Luke asked and Michael nodded, "M-Mikey j-just h-happy." Michael sniffled and Luke gently hugged him, the dyed hair boy flinched a bit but relaxed as he realized Luke wasn't gonna hurt him. "Don't cry princess." He cooed and Michael blushed, no one has ever treated him like this before, well except for Ashton. Michael's tummy growled slightly and he blushed, "You hungry?" Luke cooed, "Mikey no want food." Michael mumbled. "Why? You need to eat." He cooed and Michael shook his head, "Ashy not eating so Mikey not eating." Michael mumbled sadly. "Darling, I need you to eat okay? Ashy wanted you to be happy right?" Luke asked as he sat Michael down on the bed, the hybrid nodded. "He would want you to eat right?" Luke asked and Michael sighed as he nodded, "So, if I get Calum to make you some food, will you please eat it? He can even feed it to you." Luke cooed, "M-Mikey will dr-drink a b-bottle." Michael stuttered. "Like milk?" Luke and Michael nodded, blushing a little. "Don't be shy kitten, I'll get Calum to make you a bottle okay?" Luke cooed and Michael nodded, "Just get into some jammies and get all snuggled in bed." He smiled and Michael smiled back, standing up as Luke left the room. Michael went over to the dresser and took out a large cream colored sweater and some black panties, putting them on and he smiled, hugging hinself because he felt pretty. The pale boy couldn't wait to wear the pretty dresses and high heels, not thinking he would be going anywhere special in them but just wanting to wear them. Someone knocked on his door and he slowly opened it, seeing a tan boy with short dark brown hair and he was wearing skinnies and a smiley face tshirt. "Hey Michael." He smiled, "I-is you C-Calum?" Michael asked and Calum nodded, "Can I come in?" He asked and Michael nodded, moving over so Calum could walk in. "Is C-Calum gonna f-feed M-Mikey?" Michael asked as he sat on the bed and Calum sat next to him, "Do you want me to?" He asked and Michael shyly nodded, the brunette scooted closer to the small boy and pulled him into his lap, putting the bottle to his lips and Michael slowly drank the warm milk, it filling up his empty tummy and he fell asleep in Calum's arms. He laid Michael down and tucked him in, kissing his forehead and leaving the room.


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