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Michael woke up to someone playing with his hair, opening his eyes and seeing Ashton. The hybrid immediately crawled into Ashton's arms, purring and giving him a little kitten lick on his cheek, a giggle leaving the Aussie lad. "Did Master feed you today?" Ashton asked, knowing Michael only knew his father as 'Master'. Michael shook his head and his tummy growled, making him pout and he looked at Ashton with puppy eyes, "I wasn't able to get you food because he's home so I was able to get you this." Ashton mumbled as he pulled a bottle filled with warm milk from his pocket and the green and black haired boy gave him a strange look, not really knowing what the curly haired lad was offering him. The hazel eyed boy put the bottle to the kitten boy's lips, "Drink it Mikey." He cooed and Michael suckled on it, the warm milk filled his tummy and he closed his eyes.

The two only knew each other for not even a week and they were already really close, the hybrid was even thinking he may love the curly haired lad.

Well, Michael hasn't felt feelings like this before, he's never been lost in someone's eyes or just looked at someone's lips and noticed how soft they looked. He may just be taking attention to detail after being stuck in a dark basement for 4 years, but he doesn't think that's what it is. He thinks it's love.

Ashton pulled the now empty bottle away from Michael's lips, rubbing his black kitten ears and making the pale boy purr. "M-Master home?" Michael asked, worried that the kind boy will get caught, "He's sleeping kitty." Ashton cooed and Michael's heart fluttered at the nickname, the hybrid nodding as he understood. Then they heard a loud crash and Michael jumped, running to the corner of the room and beginning to tremble as Master walked in. "Ashton?! What are you doing down here?!" He bellowed and Ashton stood up, "Just about to give this freak the beating he deserves is all." Ashton smirked and gave Michael a sorrowful look, letting the hybrid know he was joking. Master walked down the stairs and walked up to Michael, holding a piece of broken glass up to his ear and his breath hitched. "You know what's worse than a fag?" Master spat and Michael gulped, "A fag with cat ears!" He shouted and slid the glass across Michael's ear, making him screech in pain and he felt whatever alchol that was on the glass burn the cut. "Ashton, I want you to watch closely." Master smirked as he picked Michael up by his hair, holding the glass against Michael's bare side and sliding it again and again, tears of pain rising in the kitten boy's eyes. "Why are you crying?! It's just a scratch!" Master snarled and Michael could smell the alchol on his breath.

Master threw Michael to the ground and the hybrid boy suddenly felt extremely ill, his limbs were shaking, his head was spinning, and his belly was trying to force up the milk he had minutes ago. He heard the door slam shut before he was picked up, "I'm so sorry Mikey, I would've stopped him but-" Ashton began, but Michael shushed him. "Mikey be okay, Ashy no worries." Michael whispered as he held his tummy, "Mikey hurt." He whimpered and Ashton sat him up, using Michael's ripped tank top to wrap around the 2 large cuts on his side. The Aussie lad's fingers brushed against Michael's forehead, feeling a small fever, "Mikey tummy icky." The hybrid frowned and Ashton cradled him, gently rubbing his belly in hopes of making his friend feel better in the slightest. Michael looked up at Ashton and traced his fingers along his jawline, making Ashton chuckle, "What're you doing kitten?" He asked, "Looking at Ashy 'cause he pretty." Michael mumbled. "Am I pretty?" He asked and the kitten boy nodded, "Ashy is like a prince." He whispered tiredly, rather delirious at this point. "Mikey loves Ashy." He whispered before his head lolled to the side and he fell asleep, snores escaping his parted lips.

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