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"He told you not to care of him Michael." Luke mumbled as he took the now 6 months pregnant boy's temperature.

Michael was being stubborn whilst Calum was sick and absolutely refused to let Luke do anything, he got Calum medecine, got him soup, and cuddled him. Of course, his sickness got passed on to Michael so now the hybrid was ill with whatever cold/flu thing Calum had.

"Mikey wanted to make Cally feel good." Michael scolded as he took the thermometer out of his mouth, coughing a little. "But, Mikey you being sick is not good for the baby." Luke sighed as he bent down to his height, "M-Mikey wanted to h-help." Michael whimpered, his hormones were a little out of wack and he was experiencing mood swings. "Oh Mikey, you did. It's just not the smartest decision to be around sick people when your pregnant kitten." Luke cooed as he played with Michael's hair, "M-Mikey want C-Cally." The sick boy sniffled. "He's getting you soup Mikey, he'll be home soon." The blonde smiled and kissed his warm forehead, "Don't feel good." Michael pouted and sniffled, his little button nose a slight red color. "Get some sleep kitten, you need it." Luke cooed and played with Michael's hair, "But.....Mikey wanna....." Michael mumbled, but drowsiness took over before he could finish his sentence.

Michael woke up to someone rubbing his belly, he yawned and rubbed his eyes, opening them and seeing Calum laying next to him with a wide smile on his face. "Cally." Michael mumbled as he rolled onto his side and wrapped his arms around his neck, "Mikey missed you." Michael sniffled as he nuzzled his face into his chest. "Missed you too kitten." Calum smiled as he pet Michael's hair, kissing his warm forehead. "You need to take some medecine sweetie." Calum cooed as he sat Michael up, giving him a spoonful of cold medecine and Michael grimaced, almost spitting the medecine put but Calum made him swallow it. "That icky!" Michael grimaced, "Mikey no like that!" He pouted and Calum laughed, "It'll help you get better." The tan boy smiled and kissed his forehead, "Blueberry hungry." Michael sniffled as he blew his nose into a tissue and threw it away, Calum now holding a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup.

"Open up kitten." Calum giggled as he fed him the soup, making eating the entire bowl rather quickly. "You were hungry huh?" Calum giggled as he pulled him onto his lap and Michael nodded, yawning and coughing. "Go to sleep kitten. I'll be here when you wake up." Calum cooed and Michael fell back asleep, smiling a little as Calum played with his hair.

Michael woke up and he smiled when seeing Calum next to him, he started poking Calum's cheek and giggled. "Miiiiiiiikey, stopppppppp." Calum whined, although he was giggling like mad. "Mikey bored." Michael sniffled, "You need to rest kitten." He cooed and Michael whined, "Mikey feel fine." The hybrid protested, coughing afterwards, "Wow, you sure sound fine." Calum smirked and Michael glared at him, "Mikey no like you." Michael pouted as he turned over. "Oh c'mon kitten, I was just joking." Calum cooed as he hugged Michael, "Mikey joking too, Mikey loves you." Michael smiled and snuggled into Calum's bare chest. "I love you too kitten." Calum smiled.

Calum woke up to rustling downstairs and he rubbed his eyes, seeing Michael wasn't next to him so he got up, going downstairs and hearing the noises coming from the kitchen. He wasn't surprised to see Michael sitting at the table and eating caramel and apples, his face covered in the sticky substance. "Kitten?" Calum chuckled and Michael jumped, the pregnant boy blushing as he stood up, his sleep shirt stretching over his baby belly. "You should be sleeping honey." Calum cooed as he hugged Michael, "Blueberry was hungry so Mikey had to feed Blueberry." Michael mumbled, blushing still. "You got all messy." The tan boy giggled as he kissed Michael's caramel coated lips, making the pale boy giggle and he put an apple slice in his mouth, "I think we should get you cleaned up." The elder smiled, going over to the sink and wetting a wash rag, "No." Michael mumbled as he turned his head away from the rag, acting like he was 3. "Kitten, come on. You're all sticky." Calum chuckled and quickly cleaned the caramel off of Mikey's face, despite the small boy's protests. Calum cleaned up Michael's leftover caramel mess and then picked the green eyed boy up, carrying him upstairs and Michael whined when Calum tried to put him. "Mikey no sleep." The hybrid protested as he snuggled into Calum's chest, "Babe, you need to sleep." Calum cooed, "Nuh-uh." Michael pouted, "Well what do you wanna do?" Calum asked as he sat Michael down on the edge of his bed, sitting next to him. "Mikey wanna kiss Cally." Michael blushed and Calum chuckled, kissing Michael softly and feeling the boy smile into the kiss before he pulled away. Michael put his hands on his belly, rubbing it slightly and then he grabbed Calum's hand, putting it on his bump. "Mikey wanna have baby girl." Michael smiled, "I think you'll have a girl too Mikey." Calum cooed, "Blueberry be Mikey and Cally's princess." Michael giggled and Calum blew a raspberry on his tummy, making Michael laugh. "Cally?" Michael asked as he laid down, "What baby?" Calum asked, "Never leave Mikey." He smiled and Calum kissed him softly, "I'll never leave you Mikey." He smiled



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