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Michael woke up with a scream, his body was in a cold sweat and he was panting, tears found their way down his cheeks and sobs racked his body. The door opened and Calum walked over to Michael, "Mikey, what happened?" Calum cooed, "A-Ashy d-dead!" Michael sobbed into Calum's bare chest and the tan boy's heart broke at the hybrid's sobs, "Shhhh, kitten, it's okay. Calm down." Calum cooed as he rubbed Michael's kitten ears, earning a tiny purr to leave Michael's lips in between his sobs, "M-Mikey m-miss A-Ashy." Michael sniffled as he snuggled into his chest, "Honey, I know you do, but you need to be strong okay? Ashy would want you to be happy and I know it's hard to be, but you gotta at least try to lighten up a bit okay?" Calum cooed and Michael sniffled, "M-Mikey try." The hybrid mumbled and Calum continued rubbing his kitten ears, purrs emitting from the back of his throat and his tail swishing around in pleasure. "Go back to sleep love." Calum cooed as he laid Mikey down and the small boy grabbed onto his arm, "C-Calum stay with M-Mikey?" He asked and Calum's heart went out to the poor boy, "Of course." Calum smiled as he laid next to Michael, the hybrid immediately snuggling into his new friend. "Love." Michael whispered with a smile as he wrapped his arms around Calum's waist, falling asleep.

Michael woke up and the door opened, Calum walking in and wearing a black button up shirt and tie, along with dress pants and shoes. "Why Cally wearing fancy clothes?" Michael asked, managing to not stutter and was rather proud of himself for it, "Luke is having a small party tonight so he wants us to dress up." Calum smiled. "Party?" Michael asked, confused a bit as he had never heard of one of those before, "It's something where you get to meet people and have fun." Calum smiled and the hybrid returned the smile, "Mikey get to wear dress?!" Michael exclaimed as he realized what the fancy dresses were now for. "Yeah, you get to wear a fancy dress." Calum chuckled and Michael squealed, jumping up and rushing to the closet, looking through the dresses and finally picking out a black and white one with black tight and black flats.

(Outfit on top / side)

Michael got dressed and rushed downstairs, squealing when Calum picked him up from behind and spun around, "You're like a kitty princess." Calum smiled as he kissed Michael's neck, putting him down. "Mikey really princess?" Michael blushed, looking down at his feet and Calum cupped his face, softly kissing his pink lips and he felt Michael smile into the kiss. "You really are." Calum smiled and Michael giggled.

It was around midnight and Michael was dancing with Calum on the small dance floor, Luke having let Calum be a guest instead of a servant that night so he could protect Michael the best he could considering a lot of Luke's guest were rather cruel to their hybrid's and they sadly could do something awful to the feminine boy. Michael was a giggling mess as Calum and him danced to a sappy love song, the older boy spinning the hybrid in circles and as the song ended, he dipped Michael down, earning a small yelp from the pale boy, but then a giggle. Calum kissed Michael softly and smiled as he stood him up, not caring if some of the guests were sending him disgusted glares, "Cally, Mikey getting tired." Michael mumbled as he yawned a bit, not rubbing his eyes so he didn't smudge his makeup. "Okay princess, I'm gonna stay up for a little longer but when I'm done I'll come cuddle with you okay?" Calum smiled and Michael nodded, pecking his lips for a goodnight kiss before going upstairs to his room, taking off his makeup ad changing into one of Calum's oversized tshirts that were like dresses on him and wearing lilac panties. He heard the door creak open and turned his head, expecting Calum but instead seeing one of Luke's friends, Tyler. "Can Mikey help you sir?" Michael asked, "Well, I suppose so." Tyler mumbled as he shut Michael's door, locking it and Michael got a worried feeling in the pit of his tummy, a lump of fear forming in his throat. "I just couldn't keep my eyes off your perky bum in that short dress all night." He smirked and put his hands on Michael's hips, "Wh-what are you s-saying?" Michael gulped, having a feeling he knew what was about to happen, but he didn't wanna believe it. Tyler grabbed Michael by the waist and the hybrid shrieked, getting thrown onto the bed and his clothes ripped off, "You aren't gonna say a fucking word! Got it?!" Tyler screamed, knowing the music downstairs was too lid for anyone to hear him and Michael sobbed as a response, watching the silver haired teen pulled off his own bottoms, slamming into Michael and making him scream, Tyler sucking harshly at his neck and collarbones. "Stop it! Stop it! Please!" Michael screamed as Tyler held him down, slamming into him repeatedly and making pain numb his entire lower half. Michael sobbed as Tyler came, pulling out and getting dressed, then the door opened and Tyler was being punched repeatedly by Luke as Calum rushed over to Michael, comforting the poor boy while Luke threw Tyler out.

I have nothing against Tyler Oakley, I love him, I just needed someone okay?

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